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Everything posted by gruntmods

  1. I just downloaded that damn!
  2. half our members are also 3!
  3. What parts arnt finished?
  4. anyone is welcome, so invite your friends for fun.
  5. GruntMods and halbatross are official partners as of today. How to celebrate? With a halo 2 Mod night of course! What you need: Xbox Live Halo 2 Xbox 360 Method of file transfer (xsata, xport, transfer cable) and the following maps: www.gruntmods.com maps being played: biohazard1 biohazard2 biohazard3 biohazardrelic paraiso sentinalbase2 soccermounds vehicleswar Join gruntlord6 on xbox live on thursday august 13th at 7:00 pm central.
  6. heh, just got mine =) xbox media center is sweet.
  7. they work pretty well for me. Price is WAY to high.
  8. by banning them? dosen`t get the message across well. And you shouldnt leave because of them, just be on your own for a while.
  9. hes so rude to newbs though.....
  10. dont quit, and this is proof that tural is a doochebag
  11. It wont work, you think this has not been tried?
  12. gruntmods

    IMG files

    he wants to extract the images from his gamerscore.
  13. still did not have much to do with the topic.
  14. Any one have a mirror?
  15. that was..... unnecessary.
  16. sweet, thanks dee.
  17. the dog in the picture is you =p
  18. good idea.
  19. single player doesn't use the network........ other then lagging your bnet results.
  20. any confirmation?
  21. or you can contact me, gruntlord6@hotmail.com
  22. of what, using the action replay software? Or using usb key? pics will be added in a week, when I preform this on video.
  23. Brought to you by gruntmods and Halbatross Mods Written by XeX DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for any damages you or this tutorial may cause. If you screw up your Xbox or pc, its not my fault! It took me 2 days to get this method to work for me, because I tried like 10 different USB drives, and Vista wasn't allowing me to change any system files. Ok, first, I am going to list off everything you need in advance...in list format nonetheless; -PC (of course) -Original Xbox -Game for softmod (007:Agent under Fire(Original, not platinum or anything else), Mechassault (Wouldn't recommend it), and Splinter Cell (Original)) -USB Drive (list of compatible ones are Here -USB adapter for Xbox -USBView -Software (Gamesaves, Action Replay, etc.(single package Here)) Here is the tutorial itself: First off, connect your USB drive to the xbox, and go to memory. It should say that it was formatted. That's good (unless you had important data which should have been backed up first). Next, you will need to open USBView and insert your USB drive. If Windows tries to format the drive, do not let it! Install the Action Replay software and update it to v1.40. Now go back to USBView and press F5 to refresh the list of devices. Find your USB drive. Click on it. Look to the right, you need to write down the idVendor and idProduct numbers (just the last 4 digits). Close USBView, and do NOT open Action Replay yet. If you do, this won't work. Ok, browse to your program files and find Datel. Open it, and then open the Action Replay folder. Open the Drivers folder and open the xbreader.inf with notepad. scroll down to where you see "%S_DeviceDesc1%=_Install1, USB\VID_05FD&PID_DBAE" and change them accordingly. VID is idVendor and PID is idProduct. Save the file and close out the folders. Now, we need to open our device manager and find the USB drive. Right-click on the USB drive and click update driver software. Choose to install driver manually. Install the MaxDrive Xbox driver. Now you get to open Action Replay. Drap the SID 4 Launcher from the desktop to the memcard side in Action Replay. Choose which game's loader you're using. Now drag that loader to your memcard also. That's it! Unplug your USB drive from your pc and softmod. Also, I will throw in a quick way to install the softmod. Copy the files from your USB drive to your xbox. Put in the game you're using. Go to load profile. Click on linux and press A again, until your screen goes black. Now the softmod installer should come up. Click on back up eeprom, and return to the softmod installer once your eeprom is backed up. Now back up your MS dash. Go down to 'Install Softmod'. Keep clicking yes and choose Dual Boot for whichever kind of console you use. Americans, use NTSC. Europeans, use PAL. Choose Knaves NDure open tray = retail. Then click on UnleashX since it is easier to use. Keep choosing yes until the softmod finishes installing. Turn off your xbox, now turn it on with the power button and quickly open the dvd drive with its button and remove the game. Press A once it says to to finish the installation. Once done, enjoy your softmodded Xbox! -Esjay/XeX
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