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Everything posted by gruntmods

  1. If you reasearch more, theres a way to really drive crates etc.
  2. its twice a year.
  3. this dosnt make them driveable, just replaces them.
  4. http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb242/Havok_Se7en/SuperintendentWallpaper2.jpg
  5. basicly, its the halo modding version of a "bag of crap'.
  6. nope.
  7. wow, wonder if my old mods made it in there.
  8. it took microsoft a while to catch on that exploit. i remember when my grampa told me about modding halo -2, chilling. There was no internet, so they made up random numbers and letters in notepad and attempted to resign on using the dune 2 exploit. it was very hardware intensive, maxing out the $3000 Intel 4004 overclocked to 800khz. good times.
  9. Has it been approved by chuck norris?
  10. grow space pot
  11. gruntmods

    Speed Test

    the internet at my moms house is similar to peaches.
  12. mine was a 1 time thing, just felt like commenting cuz its never happened before. btw, is the old ibm still up? i know the splash screen is.
  13. weird, never happened to me.
  14. it redirected me to the old ibotmodz 0_0
  15. oops double post.
  16. quite literal.
  17. the heat from an overclock would boil away invaders!
  18. that was pretty good kidhitman, you get +rep
  19. Didnt think so, I never understood why companies actually buy adds online, since you trained to never click on them from when you first use a computer.
  20. did adds ever generate a good amount of money?(before recession?)
  21. lol I got +rep for that comment.
  22. gruntmods

    Speed Test

    Stupid router. http://www.speedtest.net/result/588304519.png
  23. Agreed.
  24. peaches you get in regardless, but the server checks your map file against the other players to check if it is legit.
  25. board certainly flows alot smother since the upgrade, +rep good job peaches.
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