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Everything posted by gruntmods

  1. I'm not sure, maybe if he didn't use all the freaking acronyms....
  2. im not surprised at all, It will be the fake hard drives next.
  3. don't worry, ill watch your back, but there are alot less noobs here.
  4. glad you left xboxtampers/gametuts
  5. http://mouta.files.wordpress.com/2007/11/chuck_norris_approved.jpg
  6. honestly, a 5 year old with adhd could do this......
  7. weird they would select you, since you were banned from mm.
  8. apparently, you are right, And they are selling these modded profiles.
  9. 1) always do 2)both sexes 3)always am 4)LIES! 5) DONE BITCH! 6)NO U 7) Im on a boat 8)YES SIR! 9) orly?
  10. how did you do a firefight mod? They do not use gamesaves.
  11. cool. but no grunts
  12. gruntmods

    ping test

    http://www.pingtest.net/result/1124215.png bitches.
  13. The ones with a grunt head spray painted on the side.
  14. exactly
  15. The meaning of life is im smexy.
  16. Irony anyone?
  17. whenever I go to use it it says i do not have permission.
  18. fail spam is fail.
  19. no, grunts are too l337 to mod.
  21. welcome back dude I never met!
  22. =0 you guessed the special ingredient!
  23. Pretty basic, was this even worth a copy/paste?
  24. Windows, but if you have your heart set on final cut, try these guys: http://www.psystar.com/
  25. I do not know what you mean, but hear is a picture of a bunny with a pancake on his head. http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f207/goldstalk/CultofthePancakeBunny.jpg Maybe reword your problem?
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