can you reword that please? also: "Fujitsu recently admitted that they are developing 8-core chip called Sparc64 VIIIfx that expected to be the fastest central processing unit in the world." developing means its not finished yet.......
how, its based on linux. if you mean total crap your wrong, its going to be WAY WORSE. using net applications is fine, until your network is down. Then your computer is a 400$ pile of plastic.
I find microsoft support good, even though it takes a while. try APPLE support. 5 hour wait to hear them tell you they wont fix a brand new ipod, but they will talk to you on the phone if you buy a 50$ tech assistance warrenty. ********.
The AMD TWKR is the most powerful CPU ever made. It produces record breaking calculations. But there is several things that must be considered. -It is not for sale, AMD sends them as promotional items -It is voltage leaking, meaning you can increase the voltage alot because it does not use it all, this makes it inefficient(power wise) and hot, but perfect for over-clocking. -There is no warranty, it has a very short life expectancy -It will fry under air cooling, it requires either liquid nitrogen or liquid helium -It comes in a metal case, like it is an award(it should be treated as such) -Only 100 have been made -If you stick it in a motherboard, it will default to 2.0 ghz, this is not the stock clock speed, it has none since it is not a commercial product, this is the motherboards default -It will use up all the liquid nitrogen in two hours at a clock speed of 6.4 ghz -CPU-z thinks its an Athlon based on the shanghai core
go to partition 3,compatibility,xbox 1,Tdata,4D530064,$C in the subfolders are the halo 2 maps you have downloaded, put the maps I provided in that folder.