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Everything posted by gruntmods

  1. lol, that was worth posting peaches.
  2. change OS?
  3. yes, they slip it in your TOS.
  4. http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/gruntlord6/avatar-body.png
  5. gruntmods


    Im his human form. I win.
  6. yes, it raises alot of privacy issues, especially since you cannot opt out of this service, only opt out of viewing the adds.
  7. actually looks believable, if you wouldn't have told me it was fake, i would have been gullible enough to believe it
  8. yea, but you expect them to, theyve been doing it for years.
  9. Are you sure? This is international.
  10. anyone ever enter info into a search engine and end up with an add site? I have, but one day I relaised that the adds have changed. suddenly when I google for information I see adds about modding halo 3, that wasn't related to my search though, how did they know that! simply put, they no longer need to, as your ISP has been selling your browsing data and IP to addvertisment firms. Its called targeted advertising, and until I read this article I was oblivious. http://www.dslreports.com/shownews/Behavioral-Ad-Industry-Were-Not-Creepy-105801
  11. Monster Mash is the best Christmas music ever.
  12. change random things in hex! it will work after a few years
  13. you should use wiibrew.org
  14. why do we need to login? I dont trust it, sounds like a phishing scam. dont know why they would want ibotmodz accounts, but i still dont trust it.
  15. reinstall windows if you cant find the problem after a week or 2.
  16. you can always add on later.
  17. Building a computer is very fun and rewarding.
  18. gruntmods


    so far it looks like a 2:1 vote that the site doesn't forgive you.
  19. who would like to make me a gruntsig?
  20. Updated to windows 7, check it out.
  21. gruntmods


    you idiot it shows you who voted for what.
  23. gruntmods


    OMG he did! well, id better do the same, show him how it feels.
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