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Everything posted by gruntmods

  1. No, the person needs to login to live to use any content transferred. And they would need to trust you with their live ID.
  2. gruntmods

    Server Move

    You should have a certain amount allocated for yourself.
  3. gruntmods

    Server Move

    They didn't tell you how much RAM it had? And I don't see why not.....
  4. gruntmods

    Halo 2 Beta

    Here is the mirror to peaches copy http://www.gruntmods.com/halo/Files/Halo_2_Beta/H2B.rar
  5. gruntmods

    Server Move

    You should use fatwams VPS. They are pretty awesome. What are the other sites?
  6. old as hell
  7. gruntmods

    Halo 2 Beta

    GIVE ME! Seriously, I want to host all the versions lol
  8. It wasn't a lawsuit though.
  9. At least this one isn't a bot.
  10. gruntmods

    Halo 2 Beta

  11. This looks poorly done
  12. Only an admin can delete it, and we already stated how we feel about it.
  13. according to the picture, something ****** up his brain, so its not his fault he is retarded.
  14. I have seen more recent footage.
  15. So no one could stop the time paradox.
  16. not if someone else omnipotent decides to fight you.
  17. he could just negate his own ability, wait.......... TIME PARADOX!
  18. It would still be negated. I got Enhanced Swordsmanship, I was hoping for rape.
  19. Not sure why that is, I guess its because the way they do animations, the character you swap has to be similar to the one that was originally there. Edit: Use blu trainer for third person camera
  20. I have been fooling around in Halo 2 Vista lately, and I have created a pretty fun little mod for High Charity. Changes include: -Character changed to a Grunt (With recharging energy shields and health) -All plasma pistols swapped with Fuel Rod Cannon -Fuel Rod Cannon now has bottomless clip Since I gave the Grunt a bottomless Fuel Rod Cannon and recharging shields, its actually quite fun to play and you can beat the whole level, though some parts are still a challenge. To install, download this file: http://www.gruntmods.com/halo/Files/Halo%202%20Vista%20Mods/07b_forerunnership.map Then place it in your maps folder of you Halo 2 Vista install directory ( say yes when it asks you if you would like to replace the existing map file). To remove the mod, delete the map file from your maps folder, and insert your game disc. Then select "Play the game" and the game will launch. At the menu, the game will copy over any map files you are missing ( you can tell by viewing your hdd activity indicator light on your computer). After it is done, you may continue playing or exit the game, and the mod will be removed and replaced with the original map. Here is a youtube video of me playing the Mod: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LqZyMHvUYM
  21. Forum Redirect completed.
  22. 343i is at it again, this time announcing the pre-order bonuses for Halo Anniversary. The grunts burn in their final blaze of glory Nov. 15, 2011.
  23. We seem to be getting lots of spambots.
  24. http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=17851
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