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Everything posted by gruntmods

  1. Greetings comrade!
  2. 343i has revealed the gameplay footage for the pre-order exclusive skull, Grunt Funeral. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYfNBCHYHFE View full story
  3. The guy who failed at hacking?
  4. Your fired, clean out your desk.
  5. 343i has revealed the gameplay footage for the pre-order exclusive skull, Grunt Funeral. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYfNBCHYHFE
  6. It just so happens that I did my hardwood floor purchasing yesterday! If I would have known about this, I would have waited before making my $10,000 purchase!
  7. Slurred speech is awesome.
  8. sigh, you would be surprised how many people still run XP. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usage_share_of_operating_systems I even talked to former ITs who believe it is better........
  9. I still say rape is a super power.
  10. It is if you run windows xp
  11. I bet he isn't a licensed zebra sales agent.
  12. I want to see proof that these are CERTIFIED NEW zebras.
  13. The zebra market was hard hit in the recession, I bet this guy is peddling USED zebras.
  14. I imagine there will be dx10 support, but it could very well be dx11 only, which would make it pretty demanding.
  15. No need to act like that, it appeals to a certain demographic.
  16. It may be the same base hardware, but I would hardly consider it a copy, as it has plenty of features that separate it from the old bundles, such as gigabit lan instead of 100mb.
  17. I agree, the lack of a proper AV cable is a clear cash grab by Microsoft.
  18. Pretty intense, will feature the 320gb hdd that the GOW3 console had, but otherwise has different pack ins. http://gizmodo.com/5563153/new-xbox-bundle-revealed
  19. except not at all, and again, they aren't scanning the whole computer.
  20. But your information is already in the hands of numerous corporations, its pointless to be upset over this. And I just grow tired of seeing people overreact to this and other things on various sites. If I can handle being banned from live reasonably, I think people can handle this piece of an EULA.
  21. You can now believe that it is not butter.
  22. here we go everyone! http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/battlefield-3/news/6331203/ea-changes-origin-eula Now you can buy battlefield 3! jk, EA is evil and thus doesnt deserve money /thread
  23. pretty much, you just have to wait for someone to release something.
  24. your right, screw logic! LET'S BE ANGRY! (╯°□°)╯︵ â”»â”â”»
  25. Still, this is nothing, EA representatives have even publicly said that.
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