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Everything posted by gruntmods

  1. Jewlink has non affordable speeds slower then dialup! Give them a call! jk, you cant as they are too cheap for a phone line.
  2. His isp= jewlink
  3. Try buying the game, its 20$ for either version.....
  4. thom was a waste of spartan, although the nuke was epic.
  5. ?????????????
  6. To be honest, I loved the reach story, its so sad, it really focused on the loss of the war.
  7. gruntmods

    sad day

    re-release an open source rehasher/resigner
  8. as a treat for hardcore fans?
  9. Indeed, cant see it being a good invasion map though. It plays really well for slayer.
  10. so did we
  11. naw, its drm free dlc. It clearly states its only if you purchased a copy and lost it somehow
  12. yea, it was requested alot, and they are popping up everywhere + its simple to do.
  13. coming from you, that means a boatload
  14. It still opens fast. And it does a great deal.
  15. you realize you can buy a working jtag for that much?
  16. Well we are finally ready to release the new version to the public. If you already have the application, just launch it and it will update to the new version. Grunt Modder is all you need to mod your Xbox 360. It has all of the tools you need at the price you want(free!). On top of that, Grunt Modder does not require registration and is open source! Features include: -USB Support (Excluded from Program untill slashr finishes the dll) -Drag and Drop a CON file to check its contents -Built in resigner/hasher (Proper Rehashing) -Halo Reach Map Packager -Halo Reach Screenshot Extraction Tool -Stay up to date with the built in auto updater -Mod your progress with the GTA IV Tool -Red Ded Redemption EXP Modder -Add a Gold Crown to your Profile with the Crown Tool -Change your service tag in Halo Reach -Edit your Orb count in Ninety Nine Nights -Completly free with no registration required -Download free DLC with DLC Downloader and use it without a Jtag! -Enjoy full support directly from the staff that created the tool You can view the official download page Here (click) If you need support or have a comment, leave it here or in the support forum at www.gruntmods.com/forums
  17. 10 cents for the whole lot.
  18. how much is that american?
  19. gruntmods

    sad day

  20. No, its because people were complaining there was no way to get a "50". Bungie sets temporary craps so these jackasses don't feel cheated, as well as giving us the chance to catch up to them.
  21. Bump
  22. Updated links, need testers.
  23. gruntmods

    sad day

    Me and fatwam will keep the site running forever! RAWR!
  24. He also paints his nails
  25. gruntmods

    iPhone 4

    Even though i didn't do anything lol, your welcome.
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