like i said before bungie is scared of modders bringing down halo 3 and there scared of the fact that people can figure out ways of there thinking so they go and bann us..
well i have been thinking for the past few days and i dont think i want XXlMODDERlXX any more because i dont really mod any more even thought it was a classic name back in the days but i think i need a new name now i was thinking like The Great or The Guy something like that, tell me if you guys think i should get rid of it or tell me some new names please, Thanks Guys, XXlMODDERlXX
ok im new to these so called ''Vista'' computers but my computer says i have 111GB free out of 144GB of memory so does that mean i only have 33GB left or do i have 111GB left? sorry but im new to these vista computers