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Everything posted by XXlMODDERlXX

  1. Im sorry i forgot that ripping is your style lol what are you talking about?
  2. ohh = i thought the moderator would of been picked after the 2000 member came
  3. um well i just dont see whats so special sorry its just not my style of licking
  4. i dont get it who has the newest moderator????
  5. *REMOVED*
  6. yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. w00t we finally got are 2000th member! w0000t!
  8. ohh man if that old man hit me i would of ramed him back
  9. ya i know theres not much diffrence but i liked it so i just went with it
  10. oranges...is the offtopic section..i think its alright..and i only double posted because im sic of people looking at th topic then not posting
  11. ohh..lol well then i already know im not it...lol i wasnt really here for it i suppose
  12. Well heres another sig iv made,idk if i really like it my self but why not, http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/16635-598.gif
  13. OMFG! no not this again! if you gona look at the dang topic why dont you just post something!FFS!
  14. So when there are more then 2000 members there will be a election on for the newest global moderator?
  15. wait you want use to create a medal?
  16. all the scarymovies, and well i dont remember right now but iron man was good
  17. like i said before bungie is scared of modders bringing down halo 3 and there scared of the fact that people can figure out ways of there thinking so they go and bann us..
  18. well i have been thinking for the past few days and i dont think i want XXlMODDERlXX any more because i dont really mod any more even thought it was a classic name back in the days but i think i need a new name now i was thinking like The Great or The Guy something like that, tell me if you guys think i should get rid of it or tell me some new names please, Thanks Guys, XXlMODDERlXX
  19. lol i barley downloaded anything ohh well thanks black
  20. ok im new to these so called ''Vista'' computers but my computer says i have 111GB free out of 144GB of memory so does that mean i only have 33GB left or do i have 111GB left? sorry but im new to these vista computers
  21. im still your apprentice, master
  22. i like it but its to blurry
  23. im pretty sure (NOW I SAID PRETTY SURE) no one at ibotmodz has a resigner and i think only anthony has one right people or did it get leeked yet?
  24. im pretty sure we will find a way for it, theres allways a way when im on the way
  25. i dont see much of a change could use more effects
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