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Everything posted by ixGAMEOVERxixx

  1. Oh no, the leaked Sgt. Johnson isn't in a file structure. FAIL
  2. Congrats on 1k posts :) Stupid spammer -.- (Jokes =D)
  3. This is a short tutorial on how to get a ambigram free, without making it yourself! End Product http://www.flashinthepan.eu/Robertisgod.jpg 1. Go to http://www.flipscript.com/ambigram-generator.aspx 2. Click on Generate Ambigram. http://www.flashinthepan.eu/ambi1.jpg 3. Generate your ambigram, use either 2 words to combine them or use 1. http://www.flashinthepan.eu/ambi2.jpg 4. Click View on Products. 5. Scroll down till you find the design you want. 6. Printscreen, crop and save! Finished. Legal: No Free : Yes Worth it: Definitely
  4. This isn't like the last "program" art uploaded is it? The one that returns 12/40 as trojan and when you open it opened something then closed?
  5. People are spreading it around and then it will get fixed. They will make a update that checks to see if you downloaded it using a redeem code or not. I have every right to be annoyed at people spreading it around. I was the first one to post it, and then a few days later it gets leaked to Xploder saves and now here.
  6. Never mind got it to work, thanks anyway peaches.
  7. And if Gamertag modding still works then I will be MW2 Beta team
  8. Nice post Going to add to my recently played games list nao.
  9. For ***** sake, spread it why don't you?
  10. Omg, Dan.. You look like Mr. Safety!
  11. Don't think about all the things you fear, just be glad to be here.
  12. http://flashinthepan.eu/ROBFTW.jpg
  13. http://flashinthepan.eu/ROBFTW.jpg
  14. Or Rob for Admin http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs138.snc1/5895_118241447388_602547388_2217282_3860682_n.jpg
  15. Art, I even ran your god damned program. It is a virus!
  16. Don't -rep me for saying its a virus.. when it obviously is.
  17. Problem sorted. yung <3
  18. I need some code which allows you to extract a resource from my application. I know you can run a .exe embeded as a resource in an application.. so extracting should be easy as well.
  19. I are new to hackng, recon please!
  20. What does it do? o.O
  21. When I'm on send me a inv x DeMoliti0n Zz
  22. Dodgy music.. who is glad they have windows vista? o.O
  23. Yung, there is no min size, I can upload 0kb files... Lost, please find me that code.. That is exactly what I need, please find it for me <3 And my ICT teacher says maybe the file has encryption that corrupts the file when uploaded.
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