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xX Epsilon Xx

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Everything posted by xX Epsilon Xx

  1. I'm at -5 Already....
  2. iBotModz is the Best Site Ever! EDIT Is that a bad thing, why all the down reps?
  3. http://i352.photobucket.com/albums/r339/MeleeLite/lolIbanmyself.jpg
  4. [ban]xX Epsilon Xx[/ban]
  5. [adbrite]https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/248/26148/4h/origin-files.adbrite.com/mb/images/cnet_logo.gif[/adbrite]
  6. Post any new BBcode of whatever mess around here, not c-box
  7. I tried second profile = fail No way in hell, I am giving out my profile
  8. Korupt Lock this, it's retarded.
  9. Stays white the whole page forever, I even loaded url through quicktime, it dont work
  10. Upload is Up T3A! This is only 8 out of Confirmed 32 songs.
  11. I have searched for months to get these, and it looks like 8 is a stopping point. I cannot find anymore. Here they are! Awated, they are nice. One thing I hate is there all sorrow, and sad, there's only 2 upbeat ones, everything else is destruction, but a nice feel, it's gonna be a great new game! Note: I made up the names, cause I couldnt find them, they match like what it sounds like. LOL (Remeber: This is about the songs not the names, so don't flame me if you dont agree with the names...) 1. Virus 2. Slipspace 3. Silencio 4.Hunters 5. Prepare to Drop (Intro Song) 6. Mombasa 7. Superintendent 10. Firefight Suite (AWESOME SONG!!!) __________________________________________________________________________ http://www.megaupload.com/?d=HETT8DX2 DOWNLOAD IS UP!!! _______________ EDIT: Bungie.net, Yeah I went there with this, lol me a nub http://i352.photobucket.com/albums/r339/MeleeLite/bnetban.jpg http://i352.photobucket.com/albums/r339/MeleeLite/bnetban2.jpg Ok so I use IE, and... -.-
  12. Yeah it does, cn u rd tis, i uf cn u ymst hz speicl pwosr, if yo can't then you'd realize the importance of grammar, at least to a point, werh ihn dun luk liek diz. On-topic, just tell us the glitch then.... No pictures = no downlaods, I mean all u say is glitch, we dont even know what it is, so why would we waste downlading it?
  13. 1. Shiny Ballls?? WTF (I dont wanna know) 2. I am the only person who got the ODST to load, except the pelcian kept falling on my damn head, so that's useess even if it works. 3. Extra brutes wroks for me 2, if you cant see them your damn stupid. (little sniper tower pit thing, there like 40 in there) 4.All enemies hunters gunna try now But I agree with DSS, I bet these are just manually hexed saves, while the topic starter just says "only him" not ANYONE ELSE, only "him" go tthis save and he is releasing, hmmm go figure... +My tutorial is "Tutorial.txt" Umm, you said "YOU'D" give a tut, not me (For the lazy who dont wat to DL, but want to see contents) http://i352.photobucket.com/albums/r339/MeleeLite/RAWR.jpg
  14. Fake, unless you have proof, you cannot load a dev mod on retail by conversion, unless played on a dev first. Which no one here would play your mods....
  15. Ok, Thank You, I will do that when I get my PC back, lulz I am grounded, I can only use a crap-top.
  16. converts retail to retail? I dont see any converting there?
  17. We know what it does, it converts dev to retail. Only problem is it teleports you out the level, whihc is why Doob is giving us a profile to go with a save, which is gay, but it's better than nothing. Just be patient. 0r 1 c4n j\/57 |\/|0D y0\/ 4 1337 54\/3 \/51|\|G mY |=R33 D3\/ k17 |=R0|\/| |\/|1Cr050|=7, right mtw?
  18. So can I simply hotswap the drives and put the softmod files on, and it'll work? What abou tthis locking crap?
  19. I used "Citadel" it's nice, but I hate the qoutes with a passion! And EVERYTHING doesn't have to be sensored, but the feel is good.
  20. Stop saying thanks, it was uber fail, you can't even play, just because your in possession of a dev save doesnt mean it is worth anything...
  21. I don't feel like spending $40 then waiting a month to get action replay, or a modchip. So, I wa wondering is it possible to just softmod from NOTHING at all, just an xbox and a PC. (I can FTP, I can burn all CD types, I have transfer ethernet cable, and more)
  22. ummm lol, 50th Site much I bet this site will be gone in 3 months +nice going though, you should put the apps in a table, more organized
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