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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by .MeLo♥

  1. VIP should get #33FFFF !!!!!! i called it for VIP we WIN! edit: or this cute color #CCFFFF
  2. peaches is def the shizznizzle he has a ton of stuff so it makes it look the sexiest <3
  3. Aww poor kid :[
  4. Eghh i dont really like any of them keep practicing, youll get better <3
  5. first two sigs need serious work last sig plus all wallpaper owns Keep up the good work!
  6. .MeLo♥

    New ChatBox.

    its cute but i like how you could see who was online in the old one :]
  7. .MeLo♥


    umm you didnt give us a link to anything <3
  8. HAHAHAHA dude i love it :] hatemail means your making a name for yourself and people are getting jealous,, be proud ibotmodz <3
  9. haha o wow i just love you guys :] im 16 got a dodge caliber '08 BLACKYYY i missed you :]
  10. THANK YOU LEGACY! <3333 :]
  11. Nielsss = Teh G0d <3
  13. Thanks for such a warm welcome!! I missed this place :') HEY FATTY, LEGACY, SNOWMON, PEACHES!! I MISSED YOU ALL!! <33
  14. Dude nice! Give me some high fives! /highfive
  15. Well, i am back I got into a s*** load of school trouble so have been grounded forever but im back i know this concerned alot of you haha <33
  16. lol spartan you never had over 800 you just said you have 1800 friends and fattwam gave you 800 (dumb on his part) BUT I STILL LOVE YOU FATTWAM!
  17. [marquee:18lti2h5]HAHAHAHA[/marquee:18lti2h5] i can
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