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Everything posted by .MeLo♥

  1. i actually like it good have been a tad lighter but its just pleasing to the eye 9/10 =]
  2. yay now i can render in photoshop im a photoshop nub btw great tut 10/10!#$%
  3. .MeLo♥

    akumas light

    i just dont understand why they make them so small
  4. yea, for a second i was like WTF!?!?!?! then i new it wouldnt work =[[
  5. ok, that sounds good, and yea, i thought it was monday, my bad
  6. well, hmm i have school tomoro, so by tuesday at least
  7. ok, sorry dude
  8. .MeLo♥

    akumas light

    yea, caratti make one with these dimensions 400x120 use a stock or render, i just want to see what you can do
  9. .MeLo♥

    akumas light

    but why are they so tiny? id make them huge
  10. .MeLo♥

    akumas light

    but whats a sprite, i hear all this talk and never know =[
  11. aww ill pay 50$ rofl but really o.O
  12. lmao i was thinking of posting that but then i was like na...
  13. mk, well ill be waiting, use a good picture
  14. .MeLo♥

    akumas light

    its cool , but why do you keep using those tiny pics?
  15. .MeLo♥


    mhm, because i lowered the opacity didnt like it
  16. .MeLo♥


    wayyyy to bright, sorry http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/1143-61.jpg
  17. i want that font =[ i like it alot 9/10
  18. yes, it is simple, but it doesnt mean its bad some of the best art in the world is just simple
  19. doooooooo it
  20. and your font is kinda , [[big]] for the stuff, and no i didnt want to do the [big] code thing
  21. what kind of downloads? and i say we can buy a global moderator spot, ill give all my gold forever =]]
  22. .MeLo♥

    Sin Tag

    i cant even touch the pen tool, im horrible at it
  23. .MeLo♥

    Sin Tag

    picture doesnt blend well... good sig tho 8/10 text is sexy
  24. lmfao, you just like seeing that picture blackspark your a cutie
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