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Everything posted by DarkRuler

  1. Ill just highlight some areas
  2. Isn't it sad how some people can believe that. Some guy randomly joined my game and started going on about these conspiracies like: Pineapples grow underground, Potatoes hold keys, and some other BS, and what this thread says There are some seriously @%#$ed up people in the world, and because I didn't believe him, he muted me, so I kicked him from the party
  3. thank you, thank you rofl.gif yahoo.gif I just realized something, when I merge the characters into the hero, it doesn't keep the rating, but since I never said that, then that is my fault but thank you, for giving me all that gold __________________________ Edit- Damn, it didn't work
  4. ok, thanks I've never taken the full game out of the hard drive, but just to be sure, it is in the 000000 one right? If it is then click here if it isn't then click here
  5. ok, so that didn't work, I was already using HxD, but, I saw a program made by Repoman but the link broke and then that gave me the idea to mod it so I guess I need help if anyone can mod this profile and give it a 5 star rating, and all items, and 999,999,999 gold then that would be great
  6. Can someone link me to a program that can mod Fable 3: Pub Games Pub games is in a con file, so it can be modded this then indirectly mods Fable 2 ___________________________________________________________________________ Since I can't seem to get it not be corrupt, I need some help so can someone mod this profile I need= - 999,999,999 gold - 5 Star Rating - All Items - 999,999,999 points
  7. are you an idiot? I said 7 days before your post. and right above it saying that Valve made an update on that day that got rid of modding, unless you remove the update ____________________________________________________________________ and shorten your sig, you don't need to show all your accounts
  8. DarkRuler

    Fallout DLC

    January 27, is when it comes out
  9. now there are pics, happy?
  10. DarkRuler


    http://www.wizards.com/hecatomb/images/boards_corruption.jpgTake the Hecatomb⢠TCG What Is Your Doom? quiz.
  11. anything free?
  12. why? it says Halo 3 theatre, when I see that, I think films for H3, if you don't want to download them then get a life, who gives a s*** if I just put a link I am not going to waste money on a capture card, too much for something that I don't care about
  13. I did a 6 v 6 with it on Avalanche and it was so @%#$in great, people dying while trying to stop the other team getting the flag to the other base I think it was greatest on Avalanche
  14. here
  15. I've tried Gamevee, but it has already been about 3 months
  16. the head looks like a retard, I only like the body and the shoulders now can someone give me recon plzzz (j/k)
  17. How can I take a picture of a gametype, it is a gametype, it isn't a map and it isn't hard to understand it is Neutral Flag, both teams have to try and get the center flag on certain maps you will spawn with a Carbiine as primary for a secondary weapon you will spawn with depleted sword All maps made by Bungie do not contain a Neutral Flag spawn, so you would have to add it yourself Or make a map in forge and have it specific to Neutral Flag
  18. Covies Neutral Flag ok, since Bungie never made Neutral Flag and none have been released, I present to you Covenant Neutral Flag Primary Weapon- Carbine Secondary- Depleted Sword Description is yellow (but looks green) Remember you need to add a neutral flag spawn on the map or it won't work Filefront http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk318/xi_Sean_ix/CN1.jpg http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk318/xi_Sean_ix/CN2.jpg
  19. You do know that microsoft released a mouse that works with the 360 and a keyboard with a mic plug?
  20. Here are some I was going to use those in online, but, you know it also has a word doc of the button commands
  21. also, when you use a cheat, it will always rain and disable achievments and the code that you want to use might be wrong, but you just dial the code like its a phone number
  22. #1- Banshee Drainer Description- I destroyed a banshee with a power drainer and then I flew Map- Valhalla by: Reaper Sean (aka, xi Sean Ix, xI Reapers Ix, RX Sean IX) Game #2- Ninja Tactic Description- Who wins, Warthog or Ninja? Map- Rat's Nest by: Reaper Sean Game #3- Quick Thinking Description- Watch how I barely escape death! Map- Rat's Nest by: Reaper Sean Game #4- WTF Description- I am the glowing one! Map- Foundry (Map that I am working on) by: Reaper Sean Game name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" width="425" height="344"> name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" />Cannot Be Displayed
  23. I kinda figured that, I just haven't looked at the files for H3 in a while I like modding other games more than H3
  24. It's ok Fatal, I was just messing with you and yeah I stick with Modhalo, XT, and IBM
  25. I just had to get a second opinion
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