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Everything posted by DarkRuler

  1. lol
  2. 7777, I WIN lol _________________________________- 1867
  3. he deserves to be locked up, have you noticed all of this seems to happen over the xbox/360 and not over the PS2/PS3 (or the Gcube/Wii)
  4. thanks for the feedback everyone, 'i am doing smooth, so now I am using Forge (the program) and I have never used it before, and I need to the the x or z and y the same for all of them so, I don't know which ones would be the x or z? the single boxes are used for the floor for the wheels, so I need to know what is the z and what is the x- so here is a pic of the area- http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk318/xi_Sean_ix/Area.jpg
  5. the company that was making it went under they were also planning on making Timesplitters 4 don't count on this game coming out any time soon thank George Bush for that
  6. I will probably do smooth
  7. For the past few months I have been working on an awesome race track on Last Resort (I only put maybe a weeks worth of work into it so far) so I am now up to the point where there are only 2 areas to finish and I am done, but now this is where I have a problem, on the area where I need to make the wheel wings be the floor for inside the wheel tunnel, the ground there isn't smooth, and my single boxes never stay where I want them, so I asked my friend and he said that he would rather have the wings bumpy, and that is easy, but I am trying to go all out on my second map mod. So smoother is cleaner, but harder and bumpy is messier, but easier so just choose what terrain you would rather see and then I will make it in there
  8. he has posted the same question on XboxTampers and I have been giving him help throughout it, the answer was that he didn't have a resigner
  9. I like pie too
  10. L4D, great game _________________________________ Edit- wow smokie, thats a great deal, go with the deal instead
  11. when the game comes out the limited box will have codes to download the flaming hog/honor guard wraith/and Mythic Maps
  12. DarkRuler

    about lol

    no, LOLracle
  13. DarkRuler

    about lol

    lolbot looks like oracle, lol
  14. I didn't even realize that more people posted in this thread until I made a tut, lol and GameBeater, there is something about what you said that makes me not believe you 1. whenever you add digits then rehash/resign it comes up corrupt 2. you can't just put Inventory Mask=15, there is a code, and I almost got it (I just need one item) _________________________ read my tut
  15. Requirements- Fable 2: Pub Games (800 M$) CONcept (your NXE resigner/rehasher) Xplorer360 (120gig 20gig) HxD (Hex Editor) Note- I am working on a specific save that will make it so you just have to merge it with your character and you will have everything _____________________________________________________________________ Part 1- Extraction Step 1: Play at least one game in Pub Games to get your file Step 2: Extract the file and inject it into HxD Step 3: Ctrl + F doesn't seem to work for me even if you put the exact same line that is in the code, so you have to scroll down to the bottom and go up the offset 0000FF260 and you should see a block of text like this= ............þÿ.< .F.a.b.l.e.P.u.b .C.h.a.r.a.c.t.e. r. .N.a.m.e.=.' .M.o.n.g.o.'. .G .o.l.d.B.a.l.a.n .c.e.=.'.0.'. .D .e.b.t.=.'.1.4.4 .'. .R.a.t.i.n.g .=.'.1.'. .I.s.F .e.m.a.l.e.=.'.0 .'. .L.a.s.t.P.l .a.y.e.d.G.a.m.e .N.a.m.e.=.' and so on Part 2- Hexes One thing about Pub Games is that you cannot add digits, only replace or it will be corrupt Step 1: Go to Gold Balance and replace all the digits in that with 9's (if you had 100g then it will look like this .9.9.9.) Step 2: Now go to Points Earned0 and change those digits to all 9's, and then do the same thing for Points Earned1, and 2 Step 3: You will see something called Inventory Mask, if you want all items then put in- . Step 4: Now save it and then go and rehash/resign your file with CONcept and then inject it back into your Hard Drive Part 3- Play the Game Step 1: Now play at least one game of pub games to get 1 gold and then go repeat Part 2. Step 2: So keep repeating the steps and you will eventually be filthy rich in Fable 2 once you merge your Pub Game character with your Fable 2 Hero ____________________________________________________________ Sometimes the game will make it so your money won't change, this is easy to fix. Just merge the character you were using with another Pub Games character and then you should be able to change the money and everything again __________________________________________________________________ So I hope this helps people who who want to mod Fable 2
  16. they jack off to them every night in their mom's basement
  17. you also get the http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk318/xi_Sean_ix/Honor_Wraith.jpg honor guard wraith I pre ordered Limited
  18. 3 words are needed for you now- RUN AS ADMIN ------------------------------------------------------- If you have Vista then you have to right click and hit run as admin I thought CONcept didn't work, before, but I forgot that I had to run as admin, lol
  19. Yeah, I do I use concept, and I was able to make a file to work this is what I found out with trial and error- You can not add digits, you can only replace digits so I have 100 g then mod the file and replace it with 999, but I can't put 9999 in so I put in 999 and then play one game and get up to 4 digits and then put it up to 9999 and then so on, but the point system is crazy as s*** I have to put the top one as something rounded like 25,000 then put the lower one as 24,679 and then put the bottom one as 10,000 but like the gold you can only replace
  20. JogaJr What are your theories Mr. Fatal?
  21. Halo 3 does fail
  22. uh to correct you, no their not really, really old and almost all broken read my sig, get that one
  23. yeah, I know right?
  24. good idea
  25. there seems to be a setup for the hexes, like they have to be in order, I threw it into Word and removed the "." so I could read it better, and I know it works since I can get the debt to 0 and get the rating to 5 þÿ<FablePubCharacter Name='Mongo' GoldBalance='0' Debt='0' Rating='5' IsFemale='0' LastPlayedGameName='FortunesTower' LastPlayedVariant='Emerald1' SharedInventoryMask='1 ' ImageIndex='2' GUID='4709895703787006336' PointsEarned0='1500' PointsEarned1='214' PointsEarned2='0' BestTournamentRank='2 _____________________________________________________ The reason that I think there is a setup is because if you look at PointsEarned0, PointsEarned1, and PointsEarned2 you can see that there is nothing in two, 214 in one, and 1500 in zero. In the game the guy had 1714 points (1500+214+0=1714) and at 1500 is when I got the game from one level to another, so there has to be a type of system for it ___________________________________________________________________ so, now I changed the rating to 5, and changed the 0 in gold to 9, then I put it on and it worked, and so I played one 4 Star tourney and won that and got a prize so now it changed to- Name='Mongo' GoldBalance='3589' Debt='0' Rating='5' IsFemale='0' LastPlayedGameName='Keystone' LastPlayedVariant='Tournament4' SharedInventoryMask='257' ImageIndex='2' GUID='4709895703787006336' PointsEarned0='2000' PointsEarned1='1414' PointsEarned2='0' BestTournamentRank='2N1
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