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Everything posted by DarkRuler

  1. not sure how much of this is true, but, I have heard that all level 50 Waypoint people will get a special armor for Reach (I just need 2 achievments for Halo Wars, and I am trying to get it legit, I don't like modding my profile for achievements. I just need co-op and legendary and I think I might try to get the General achievement even though I don't need it for the 50)
  2. lol, you just realized that? they did the same thing with DS:Extraction for the Wii Ive never played it, but Ive heard they did it in there too
  3. now I wonder if we'll get a true zombie/infection gametype maybe one involving flood?
  4. 4. Bungie Employee's kid (or related in some way) 5. A Bungie Employee's friend or the friends kid using that account 6. A hacked account
  5. Nintendo is really becoming shitty thats why I don't buy their games (and the fact that there is no consequence for burning their games) I just own some of the main ones like Conduit (the graphics sucked so bad), NSMB (I 100% completed that game), Brawl (unlocked everything important), RE4 (it sucks), CoD4:R (boring, definitely not the same), Mario Galaxy (fun for the first 2 hours, after that it is boring), Mario Kart (not great, but it is ok) and even with so many extra discs to use, I don't see any others that I want the only recent game that looked good was Dead Space Extraction, but since they made it an On-The-Rails and not and FPS or TPS theres no way I even want to try it so I don't blame companies for leaving Nintendo since Nintendo made such a weak system
  6. DarkRuler

    ME2 Faces

    http://www.masseffect2faces.com/ tons of faces
  7. Bungie doesn't ban people for mods on file shares anymore I've had mods on my file share (even ones that say its modded in the description with special characters too) for over 1 1/2 years and still not banned, I know people who have had them on longer though but with Bungie focused on Reach, they just don't care anymore
  8. Im now just missing 3 achievements for Halo Wars Beating the game in legendary, beating the game in co-op, and becoming a general (3 more achievements legitly for all Halo games except H2v)
  9. looks good Slidell, Ill add a link to this in my thread +rep to you Aaron, just edit your first post
  10. wow, now thats a big number but then it looks like there have been 13173 posts deleted
  11. http://img30.imageshack.us/img30/2189/laptopspecs.jpg This is my laptop and since the laptop screen doesn't work anymore and I just see pure white I have to hook it up to my TV to use but luckily this is my TV not bad for a monitor --------------------------------------- yes I know, my current laptop sucks its not much of a laptop anymore since the battery only lasts 1 min while not plugged in but its gone through hell and back and still manages to survive...barely
  12. you are so special lol
  13. Im finally getting my 360 back tomorrow (2:00 PM EST latest) so I can help whenever
  14. hopefully the real game would look better but it is all up to gameplay ------------------------------------------ I still wish it was March 3, 2010 (lol)
  15. I heard they are also doing that with ME3 EA is going to run Bioware to the ground if they want to get yearly releases hopefully both games come out in either mid 2012 or 2013 because that would give them the right amount of time to get a great game
  16. but on Illium theres a mention of a thief named Kasumi
  17. there are already several good tuts for modding H3 and anyways, its easy to do so another tut just about a program isn't needed
  18. after a month a pop up will come up saying that your account is temporarily suspended until you pay up (thats what happened to me)
  19. sounds good and you can also get free Terminus codes by calling up GameStop and saying that you never got your code and they could give it to you over the phone or you could pick it up but you might need to give them your phone number and name so they can look in their computers and see if you actually pre-ordered it
  20. weren't you one of those spammers?
  21. just thought of this but maybe without the old Xbox 1 then maybe the friends list can finally be increased to maybe 1000 (or 100,000 ) but this will let them upgrade many features, but hopefully not the banning system
  22. wait, so no more online H2 mods?
  23. in Halo Wars (still part of the Halo's history) they said the brutes were behind the attack on Harvest but Im not sure if that was before or after Reach
  24. DarkRuler


    Happy B-Day!
  25. lol I love the gun though and it seems like I got a person to trade from the MassEffect forums also did you get all the Dr. Pepper dlc from my ME2 dlc thread?
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