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Everything posted by Mcmodder♥

  1. Mcmodder♥


    i saw a youtube vid on that have a look there.
  2. Mcmodder♥

    new sig

    why is this not in the gfx showoff and sorry but i dont realy like it sos
  3. Mcmodder♥

    Xlink Kai

    sorry i did not no realy were to put it and whats wrong with the title ?
  4. Mcmodder♥

    Xlink Kai

    Xlink Kai http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll292/wackogamered/2.jpg Originally posted by: Mcmodder♥ Posted Edited by: SmokiestGrunl What you will need:: Xbox 360 or Xbox A game The internet, wit a good connection I little know how Go to this website: http://www.teamxlink.co.uk/?go=quickstart The website should look like this: http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll292/wackogamered/1.jpg Download Xlink Kai and sign up, making sure your user name is not your xbox live name. Log in and u should see some pictures, click on the world. You should see what games console work with Xlink, choose the one that is for the game you have chosen, like me I have a 360 but I was playing halo 2 so that would be just xbox. Then choose the game, then the country. You should see people, just join someone then if your playing Halo 2 go into system link and you should see them.
  5. wow this is a great program for us modders and programers how are not that good at making are own. Thanks
  6. il help if i can ever get the maps
  7. wow just got halo 2 and some of the mods look amazing AHHHHHHHHHHH what shell i do lol
  8. yes i no sum people ho have been benned from xbl for ever s***
  9. maby u should put it in one post next time but uther than that good post
  10. i put it in vip so if peopple post the codes then mebers cant take them only vip and up
  11. tryed this loads of times dose not work
  12. nice program but not going to spen days doing it lol
  13. why would wont it to be like that this one looks much better and works much better
  14. maby u should get some one to scan the program for u i would not mind doing it as i have the new nod or maby the site should have a new moderater sort of thing to do it just a thort
  15. hay guys can some one get some 48s or even better some one mouths plz if u could it would help a lot
  16. Mcmodder♥

    Guy girl

    looks ok
  17. i made this cus u can get court with Limewire now
  18. or u can do what i did and have all posts and points tranfrered to that one
  19. its not a clan aio and thats the last one im going to do as people dont like them
  20. well i used to have like 4 hard drives in my pc and it got hot fast but then we were lucky and my mum got air con
  21. looks like a good mod
  22. ok witch do u like best or maby u like them bouth the same
  23. i mite be geting one so il add u
  24. o ok thanks
  25. Smokiest this is such a help to me
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