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Everything posted by Mcmodder♥

  1. http://www.speedtest.net/result/333458531.png Mine
  2. Removed.
  3. were are points gon it dose making playing in the arcade easier but now there is no reson to play LOL
  4. why in h3 support LOL needs to be moved to off topic
  5. remember me and sillybob123 will be posting a lot as we have made are MCSB company and i will post my pc here when i have finished modding it YAY but here is a pic of how it should look http://lib.store.yahoo.net/lib/xoxide/xoxide-lustre-x-case-blk-1lg.jpg this pic is from a site were i got my idea for my pc mod
  6. well the tital says it all but why is every one leaving ibotz we have lost loads and only have like 100 people on a day whan we had like 200 peolpe on a day befor
  7. why is there so many people leaving
  8. looks pretty cool mite download this
  9. wow how is it a hack its probably just the av card is @#%$ed or sum thin LOL not "HAX"
  10. Mcmodder♥

    Fallout 3

    u have a ps3 OMG its a brick a shiny brick lol
  11. looks pretty good keep up the good work
  12. i like it a lot LOL looks good vista styel
  13. no it was in the media bit
  14. and that is for albums LOL
  15. can u plzz stop posting about the .map its never going to *** out for h3 and if it did u would get banned for h3 completey if u used it
  16. i have posted a better way of geting them so plz dont copy :angry:
  17. That means ur banned for life did u put mods on ur file shear cus if u did that what would of dun it (LOL but at the ssame time )
  18. wow this post dose not make sence LOL :S
  19. only prob with that is h2 mods if u dont have a cap card LOL
  20. i like the new chat box thanks LOL YAY
  21. Like are logo 1 step closer to selling now YAY
  22. thanks for all ur posts and sorry u cant help us cus u don't live in England but we have see modded pcs on ebay going for $400 (sorry my keyboard is gay so i had to put that) but if u are in this country plzz contact me on aim-wackogamered or here on ibotmodz have a good day every one . ps: we are starting are first on this weekend so be on ibotz friday, saterday and sunday to talk to us and see hoe its going
  23. well i hope u like the post we will be selling pcs just like that and better on ebay soon
  24. lol i wonder if theres is a real webcam on it ?
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