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Everything posted by ILIKETURTLES♥

  1. If your talking about a film not a film clip it doesnt have to be under 2 min. it just has to be under 1 MB its not because the hasher its because if the file is too big it just wont work. and haxalots Rehashes any file size
  2. I will post pics when im done with mine, so far i have only painted it (black) but im gonna cut the punisher logo in the side and put red plexiglass behind it and im going to get red talismoon aurora lights.
  3. They are under Bloc they are called wall_l, wall_m,wall_xl,wallxxl,wallxxxl ,those are the sizes
  4. I think i know who made that screenshot i was playing with him on H3 and he asked me if i had any screenshots you have made was i said i didnt and i asked him why and he laffed and left the party
  5. do you mean like a headstand? you cant do that they are always standing
  6. Someone made one of these a long time ago, the reason it happend isYou tryed to spawn something you cant
  7. Yes the transfer cable works just like a Xport/xsata And smokie that tutorial didnt really answer his question
  8. nope wouldent work, the bipeds are always orientated the same way
  9. if your not going to put pics can you atleast describe the maps better.
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