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Everything posted by ILIKETURTLES♥

  1. Ok the update doesnt let you put the whole game on your hard drive, its just part of the game to make it load faster. you still have to have the disk in the tray
  2. 18 to 28 dollars, you could have just looked on google
  3. He posted this 3 times, all with bad links. WTF?
  4. All t3h blacks peoples are dieing Issac hayes just died
  5. Very nice but the title is misleading I wish i could do crap like that but i suxors at photoshop
  6. How bout your faceplate, that way you always see it everytime you turn on you xbox
  7. From luxy's post on 7sins http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/5448/sav3rfp3.png
  8. Yes they work i have done it in HxD Very nice app it makes it much easyer to make the symbols
  9. LULZ you got the hots for your sister, I like Chicks that like Metal, not goth but kinda like it. I dont like scene girls because they are too obsesed on how they look. Also geeky chicks not like social outcast geeky just like they like video games and comics and crap. My ex was geeky and metal
  10. NOOOOOO, Bernie Mac died "Actor/comedian Bernie Mac passed away this morning from complications due to pneumonia in a Chicago area hospital,"
  11. my newest Masterpiece http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm31/xpargas/aaa.jpg
  12. Congragulations your 1 year closer to death
  13. AWW MAN! im not cool, when i try to go there it says error on page
  14. How do you know MC even has any teeth left? im sure hes been punched in the mouth a couple times
  15. It doesnt work anymore bungie deleted it
  16. Heres how to geomerge or what ever they call it. 1. put a box down 2. surround it on all 4 sides with inmovable objects (boxes/walls/etc...) 3. place a couple doors upside down on the box 4. grab on to the box and it will sink down 5. delete all unwanted objects
  17. Its probley really dusty inside, my tray wouldent open eather so i opened up the case and it was really dusty, i just blew all the dust out and it works fine now. If you dont want to void the warrenty just send it into microsoft.
  18. Wrong i win I am the undisputed MS paint champion of the WORLD!!!! http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm31/xpargas/untitled.jpg
  19. 10% scored higher (more nerdy), 1% scored the same, and 89% scored lower (less nerdy). What does this mean? Your nerdiness is: High-Level Nerd. You are definitely MIT material, apply now!!!. Maybe thats why i dont get any *****
  20. Fixed it http://gaygamer.net/images/xbox_360_kapot_rrod.jpg
  21. LOL gaygamer.net, heres how you do the controller mod http://www.llamma.com/xbox360/mods/xbox%20...20LED%20Mod.htm
  22. Just use Forge, you dont need the map file
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