Thats no purple reign, bungie has shown pics of it (also it was at PAX) File Details: * * Map: The Ark * Its just a secret place on the ark, he probably got there with pancam also that guy doesnt work for bungie, he is the leader of one of the groups that bungie picked for bungie favorites
Why would you want to meet someone who plays halo good? Better question, why would you pay to meet someone that plays halo good? Waste of money and time, if you want a fifty that bad play matchmaking alot, you will get better or cheat
This tutorial was copyed form another site, just like all the other ones he has posted BTW this does work, i have done it before, but you have the same pic for every blade
Compy im building for my sister Case+psu CPU- Intel 2.5ghz dual core MOBO- forgot witch one but its a gigabyte RAM- 2GB Vid card- a cheap 8500 that i alredy had Hard drive- 300GB and a cheap burner i got for free Im just waiting for the case and CPU to come in the mail
Yes, i have slept about 4 or 5 hours in the last week, i stay up all night, go to school, and take a little nap when i get home. But then i cant sleep at night, I hate it so bad