They alredy explained this along time ago, There is no update with those in them, this video was made by bungie they made it for entertainment purposes, its not an announcement. They talked about in in a weekly update, i'll try to find it later
You do know that the resigners have been released for a long time now. Well i reccomend you use forge it is much easier then hex editing and you dont need the .map files and it has a built in resigner.
Not tring to be mean but those dont look very good, I dont understand why people just add mods to a map and expect it to be any better, the first one you just added clones and a couple turrents, that doesnt make it a playable mod its just a ship with unnessicary mods. why not just keep it unmodded (if you even made the map)
If your hex editing it tells you the identifiers for the object you want to mod in, that way you dont have to use johnson or enginer. now you dont need tag lists becuse you can use forge or sandbox, they have the tags built in.
ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!! wait what are we supposed to be looking at? If your permabanned it will say dec. 31 9999, i had one of my flashed consoles banned because i didnt update the firmware.
There is pretty much NO way this can happen, there have been other hydron colliders ( a hydron is a group of quarks if you didnt know) and nothing has happened. It is basicly an atom smasher. if you know anything about physics it is almost impossible for there to be a black hole.