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Everything posted by ILIKETURTLES♥

  1. its one of those tele-coaster thingys, its not bad, there is one part that doesnt work though
  2. Hurs me from about a year and a half ago http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm31/xpargas/alex.jpg I am much skinnier now
  3. Do yoknow how to zoom in? hold ctrl and the scroll wheel on your mouse
  4. http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm31/xpargas/1222662589084.jpg
  5. Leave room for mine
  6. I know, hes a noob, he needs to learn how to really spam a site
  7. Now hes doing this http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?showforum=6 why would someone waste their time like this?
  8. I know, i didnt even cry
  9. *****... i split my dick in half, not for ibotmodz though I have pics too but i will get banned if i post them
  10. sorry, i likez pr0nz
  11. One is called Huge Boobs Galore #4 I dont know what the others are called
  12. I $%#^%# love that movie yeah well at the moment i am downloading 3 pornos and Lamb of God: Walk with me in hell
  13. Can someone do something about cbpwnrs2 again, hes been spamming like crazy
  14. Indeed.. you are quite stupid also if this is your 9 year old brother he must be quite smart, i never type i'm i always type im
  15. Damn you canadians and your metric system Well its abot $3.30 here For Canada- 3.785 liters in a gallon+1.05 per liter=3.95 CAN 3.95 to USD= $3.47 Gas prices are about the same everywhere
  16. Fine then... Go hunt for Caribou
  17. In canada they have milk in bags.... google it
  18. Rule 1 and 2
  19. Maybe it because you keep switching the dates, people kind of loose interest
  20. Go drink some milk out of bags, the true thanksgiving is in november
  21. favorite book series- The Sword of Truth Favorite book- House of Leaves I dont read as much as i used to but when new books in series that i have beed reading come out i always make time to read them
  22. Sure, If he keeps going on your account why dont you just change the password? also where did a 9 year old learn all those curse words? and how does he spell so well? he spells better then sowrd
  23. Bad words burn my ears Also.... i love you
  24. Is it porn?
  25. Hey i made a new account, wanna have some fun?..... thats sounds like im gonna rape you
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