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Everything posted by Decatur

  1. http://secure.llamma.com/catalog/index.php?cPath=73_94
  2. Decatur


    this is still under arrenty, un opened. I'll work on it this weekend.
  3. link then?
  4. Spray paint? I'm making a pirate flag stencil.
  5. Decatur


    You RROD'd it and they unbanned it?
  6. Decatur


    that's more or less the reaction I got when I ran it by anyone. I'll look into it this week. EDIT: Heres a FREE app(http://ax.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/browserRedirect?url=itms%253A%252F%252Fax.itunes.apple.com%252FWebObjects%252FMZStore.woa%252Fwa%252FviewSoftware%253Fid%253D288362576%2526mt%253D8%2526v0%253DWWW-Genre%253A-ITUHOME-TOPAPPLICATION) that lets you have control of a PC running XP pro, so maybe someone with a touch/phone test it? if it gives you access, maybe you can open photoshop, and then see if it works like a tablet.
  7. Decatur


    the fag uses his gay homo awesome sexy tablet.
  8. your right. Tagwalls are gay.
  9. Decatur


    Me and H_B were talking and we ended up on a topic. Is there an app to turn an ipod touch/phone into a tablet for graphic art? If there isn't an app from app store,is there a hb one for jailbroken ones? if not it'sokay, I was jw.
  10. Decatur


    love the glasses so much. I seed this early
  11. I just want a tut on dualbooting. theres some good stuff in there, move it VIP if your unsure
  12. Decatur


    Cannot Be Displayed
  13. Decatur

    Damn you

    just cause I divided by 0 doesn't mean I should get shoutbox banned.
  14. Decatur

    Damn you

    You did it. Now un do it.
  15. Decatur

    DG v. FE

    we're both novice
  16. Decatur

    DG v. FE

    you don't recognize Assasins creed??!?!?! It was like #3 top game of 07 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassin%27s_Creed
  17. Decatur

    DG v. FE

    I voted me for obvious reasons.. I like mine.
  18. Decatur

    DG v. FE

    Simple. Vote and state why. Edit: either vote and say why you voted, or don't vote at all. If the numbers don't add upt (+/-7) we'll leave it up to staff to vote.
  19. basically, also a microphone talking thing (can't think of it since 'chatroom' doesn't seem to do justice) feature.
  20. Decatur


  21. Decatur


    idk, I got @%#$ed over, I did absolutely NO modding on that console. "The 'console' detected something was modified and banned itself" -Indian Tech Support
  22. Decatur


  23. Decatur

    I'm a Diva

    No I didn't. You don't blend. That's why I also did the B&W compo
  24. Decatur

    I'm a Diva

    http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd280/vv_condor_vv/Test/dansomecopy.jpg http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd280/vv_condor_vv/Test/dansome.jpg http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd280/vv_condor_vv/Test/dansome2.jpg ees four faggle dans0m33. CnC? I know text needs work
  25. I just came. :tissue: all better. AWESOME APP dead dll though.
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