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Everything posted by Decatur

  1. Decatur

    Fire Hazard?

    IMa try rapid eject when it comes out
  2. Decatur

    Fire Hazard?

    This 360 is console banned. The only warentee it's still under is for RROD. I need this if I want my money back from buying an arcade system.
  3. Decatur

    Fire Hazard?

    kay either way, I'm putting my boxers in the dryer tomorrow. I'll check in an hour, let if cool off for an hour then repeat?
  4. Decatur

    Fire Hazard?

    yeah it's going to be running under clothes for a long time. I don't want it catching on fire. Will my boxers be warm tomorrow or will they be on fire?
  5. Decatur

    Fire Hazard?

    so whats the fire chance of giving a 360 the RROD with the towel trick? cause I have it in my dresser drawer with the drawer packed with clothes.
  6. triple post ftw? Spam ftw?
  7. http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd280/vv_condor_vv/lady.jpg
  8. Decatur

    NXE Resigner

    nice triple post ftw. I use CONSigner MAX I think. I haven't modded in weeks.
  9. just curious. Why?
  10. Decatur

    Epic Win!

  11. SCRIPT KIDDIE That's the script I posted in h3 modding or something when someone said they could mod there service record. lol.
  12. Decatur


    yeah that's what I was thinking, unless I pissed off DSS then I think I'm good. I missed ubuntu, it's pretty shweet, I haven't used it in 6 months.
  13. you cropped smokie general pic and pasted it in paint?
  14. Decatur


    If I have a keylogger on my Windows XP pro SP3 OS, can it keylog me on my Ubuntu 8.10? I'm like 80% sure it won't, I just want some other input. I'm also 80% sure I don't have one, I was just wondering.
  15. Decatur


    ubuntu/suse Havent tried redhat yet.
  16. http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/firefox#why just need the tuts for my new OS ^__^.
  17. took your advice, tried a bubble effect. http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd280/vv_condor_vv/Test/xpargas1.jpg
  18. i lost the .psd so its text is staying were it tis. soz.
  19. I've gotten FHS from showing shoulders too, so yeah, imo I declare FHS
  20. floating head syndrome ^__^ looks like your best so far.
  21. Decatur

    I lol'd

    go on photobucket and search 4chan poster. I love the combo breaker one
  22. thats also cause teachers, students, and staff are hoggin bandwith. But yeah, I know what you mean.
  23. Decatur

    DG v. FE

    Voting is over, FE wins with a score of 8-7. Congratulate him when you see him, any votes after the score of (8-7) will be considered null, void, and all around cheating. Good battle, it was close. Seeing as I'm not staff, close this.
  24. Decatur

    I lol'd

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