look there is no physical way to recieve recon ffs. the only way to get it is to have a bungie employee unlock it for you. all that video does is take you to another url were your colors are the same and the armours different, but its not you. even if by some miracle, you managed to do what the video said and get it on your bungie home page,it wouldnt apear ingame anyways!
seeing as i only have a laptop, and its old and cant handle large processes, im stuck to GFX-ing in paint so could you make one along the lines of a Halo spartan(maybe with a sniper) or just a h3 sniper.
i can gets teh jokes or so. but define quotes and picture, seeing as im an idiot but id really like to help. and give mean age limit for my jokes so there not offensive or so cuz i know some good clean ones.
or, a flash drive if your poor. i might do this when my bank pin resets for my main. i forgot it and gotta wait a week >:{ the stats i think are all(not new ones like farming and on) are 60+