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Everything posted by Dataanti

  1. http://www.rickmercer.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=main.gallery&challengeId=90&seasonId=3&1960 picture 6 of 30.... http://download660.mediafire.com/x1km1xmhxmjg/ymiyyywzcii/gaaddgarfd.png
  2. :/ my camera has to much detail everything looks dirty :/
  3. http://download102.mediafire.com/tfnhzfm4zjng/23ggww2dwyw/100_1402.JPG
  4. .... XD im 15 ill take a pick of my school card or something XD lols
  5. XD lol really u thought i was 8 years old XD
  7. Dataanti

    Have you?

  8. Dataanti

    Have you?

    Have you? LOL remember no one can see what you vote for
  9. Ummmm is this any1 here...
  10. Happy birthday Canada
  11. never herd of this gypsy <.< >.> and EVERY1 SEEN THAT I SAID I DIDN'T KNOW WHO HE WAS....> end of discussion >.>
  12. Dataanti

    Rap Chop

    ... lol <thats it just a LOLOLOLOLOOL
  14. ITS A BIRD
  15. LOLs XD i haz got this email sent to me and this is it XD, how can there only be 578 names left XD and what about Xbox live users with there msn and the XBL gamertag togeather XD http://op6xyq.blu.livefilestore.com/y1pNLS3etovb8FjQ-gY7lSdQP-wjhx-T59FTdoMQnJ2syTo0qPHIG1T64UsaCU1MLoLUtdMkHh9SjtJe4dlxxT26Gtvryv2SdRO/1%20for%20fail%20book.png
  16. i lol XD
  17. u dirty gypsy thats mine >.>
  18. after looking at this for a good 30 mins.... i noticed that the feet never touch the right side thats about it...
  19. I was thinking while finishing my last exam today, if it is the server that doesn't let you earn your achievements back or is it you account on your X-Box 360. If it is the account that is on the X-Box then I'm sure there is a way to get around it, I just need to know if you can still earn achievements that you lost offline. If you can't then it would have to be something on your X-Box 360 HD that is blocking them, and maybe you can turn it off. It would also mean all of your achievement data would still be there cause you X-Box has to remember what ones are supposed to be blocked. Maybe its just a thing on your profile is self that is a 1 or 0 value (1=yes / 0=no) So does anyone have a account with there gamer score reset that they can try this on?
  20. NO NOT BLIND PEOPLE how would they see the buttons and the screen on the back and read instructions on how to use it XD EDIT: well i guess buttons would have brail BUT STILL the screen of the GPS
  21. lol its not a big deal, i seen it like a year ago in cold lake XD they were testing its navigation in the woods of the air base there, its tall tho its almost as tall as me, the idea was to help campers bring stuff with them so they wont have to carry it and if needed the robot will go back and tell someone that the camper is in trouble and it will give the exact location with a built in GPS
  22. OOOOO pretty
  23. Dataanti

    Ultra Surf

    this doesnt work for me anymore my school blocked the program
  24. Dataanti


    FEUDALISM: You have two cows. The lord of the manor takes 90% of their milk. FASCISM: You have two cows. The government takes both, hires you to take care of them, and then sells you the milk. SOCIALISM: You have two cows. Your neighbors help you to take care of them, and you share the milk. COMMUNISM: You have two cows. You have to take of them, but the government takes all the milk. TOTALITARIANISM: You have two cows. The government takes them and then denies they ever existed. DICTATORSHIP: You have two cows. The government takes both and shoots you. MILITARISM: You have two cows. The government takes and drafts you. CAPITALISM: You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull. Soon you have a hundred cows and a local monopoly that lets you charge whatever you like for the milk.
  25. OMFG I HAVE BEEN HERE BEFORE LOOKING FOR MODS i just never registered until some time
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