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Everything posted by mangriff32

  1. Well I doubt that the music file is going to be like a .mp3, It probably is in the 360's own set audio format but idk. Post the file and I'd take a look.
  2. 6'2
  3. 6" 2'
  4. Keep me in VIP =]
  5. Keep me in VIP =]
  6. I don't understand why you even made V1. This AIO is a compilation of crap.
  7. Woah. Dude, someone hook me up with that torrent lol.
  8. Very nice program
  9. Emulators? And linux to run Mozilla on your box.
  10. I can't stop watching it O_o
  11. If you have the picture, see what the profile id is and then cross-reference it with a mod of his to check if it was him that signed it.
  12. The files you are downloading might not be seeded. Try BitComet, that seems to have pretty good download speeds.
  13. mangriff32

    XBL accounts

  14. Wow that really sucks man. Hopefully you get unbanned. But if not GoW2 ftw.
  15. Some guy got it to work with the infectus mod chip.
  16. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?sh...amp;#entry36499 The download link is broken.
  17. Spawn it and see what it does? Idk. It sounds like the Red Beam of Doom that 343 guilty spark fires at you.
  18. The download link is non-existent. lol
  19. Hey, i cant access the site without a proxy, can anyone help?
  20. Heres an easier way Halo 3 Film Editor
  21. All caps is not going to get you extra attention, we have a Halo 3 mods section, im pretty sure that can hold the wave of new mods.
  22. umm nooby just get all the achievements, there easy as hell to get.
  23. Where can i find the 4532 dash?
  24. Cloaking is portable active camo, and Vortex is an min-black hole equipment, idk if vortex is a finished item, but cloaking should work.
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