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Everything posted by mangriff32

  1. fattwam ftw.
  2. lol wow. iBotmodz is musical. Yeah, I've been doing band for 5 years, i bloody hate it most of the times, but if we take a trip somewhere, we **** around and it makes up for all the annoying stuff.
  3. I also play french horn, and mellophone lol.
  4. Who plays an instrument? And what is it? I play the manly instrument the trumpet. Post what you play.
  5. Hey guys, i heard if you put all your account information into this, you get a cookie.
  6. You cant do that on retail, sorry.
  7. This looks like such account jacker... "You can recoverey your account" Wow. Epic fail
  8. There is no yes or no answer. It all depends.
  9. Yeah, but i'm sure if she bitched enough, they would allow it lol.
  10. Well since your under 18, and your mother is your legal guardian, she can read whatever she wants.
  11. On certain cell phone companys, whoever is in charge of the phones, can have all texts forwarded through her phone first. But thats only some companys, my mom tried, but i just deleted any terrible ones lol.
  12. I feel bad that he got jacked, if my LIVE account got jacked I'd be pretty pissed but....140 bloody dollars?! I have sympathy for the family more than the kid, that's just ridiculous that they gave the kid the money just to spend it on weapons and crap.
  13. I like it, the black border would be better if was on all sides, but other than that good.
  14. Damn. These were the good days, the days where instead of asking a person to see a picture of their dev mods, you could just ask "Hey dude, give me that mod, I'll FTP it right now!" I hope that an exploit arises on the 360, allowing us to run unsigned code, that would be a gift from god.
  15. I won't leak it, but if it has anything cool, I'll give some pictures and explanations of it lol.
  16. If your really desperate, I'll give you one.
  17. Any suggestions? I looked into a HP Pavilion, but i was wondering if you had any suggestions.
  18. Your spelling is absolutely horrendous. But, you will not get a 50 for free, anywhere. And most people that sell them arent exactly cheap sellers.
  19. How much ram and Hdd space does it have?
  20. So my desktop has gotten old and almost useless to me, i was wondering if someone could point me to a good laptop. I'll use it for just about everything so yeah. lol Sorry about being general, i just dont know how i would clarify.
  21. Lol.
  22. Does it work over xbox live nazi zombies?
  23. Yup.
  24. That's why you make backups of your profile before you mod =P. Its as easy as Copy and Paste in another folder.
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