K, h2 mods took like a year to make, we've modded forge varients a month after the game was released, and we still have a few months till its the 1 year anniversary for release. If you compare the modding timeline, H3 was modded quicker, in a sense.
Since bungie is banning people for modded fileshares, couldnt we just extract a modded forge vairent thats already been signed, upload it to the internet and then everyone downloads it from there, and then injects it into there con?
Umm just asking here, if you take a modded forge varient, thats already been signed, put it on the internet, wouldnt people be able to take that, inject into there con SINCE its already been resigned and then we share maps like that?
The troop hog is a dependency under the warthog tag, techincally you should be able to spawn it, and if we learn how to, that means we could have an AA wraith =D If you dont understand why, just ask ill explain.
A rehashed forge map that needs resigning and i was wondering if someone would be kind enough to resign it for me or even give me the resigner. The XSS resigner will not work, i have it and it is now not allowing you to sign modified content.
I have some pics you could use. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/15370-34.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/15370-35.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/15370-36.jpg