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Everything posted by mangriff32

  1. Seriously WTF. This looks a hundred times better than Halo Wars. I would have preferred if Ensemble Studios ported that to the 360. That looks sick.
  2. The clan tag information can't be on the disk. Otherwise the disk would need to be re-written every time you change your clan tag. All the code does is edit a value to change your clan tag a different color.
  3. Whatever. If this has no practical use to my normal profile than why bother lol.
  4. Well do you have a rehasher that can rehash a 6 mb profile?
  5. Well does anyone have a golden clan tag account they're willing to let us borrow? lol
  6. Exactly. So i just have to find the value that determines color. Great.
  7. So i see them all the time and i was wondering.. In COD4 before they patched it, you could mod your clan tag, So since they made it so your clan tag can change to gold and what not, can you mod it to gold? http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/?showtopic=12026&do=findComment&comment=74413
  8. Apparently, the release date for this is March 19th, 2009.
  9. Florida is the s***. I live in Boca Raton
  10. Well i dont have an Xsata but i could make one, put it on my fileshare, than someone wit an xsata download it and then upload it here...
  11. http://assets.xbox.com/en-us/support/Migra...t-OrderForm.pdf That's the link he intended. I'm going to get one of these baby's.
  12. Well make sure that when you do that, leave it for like an hour, and then turn it off, but leave it wrapped in all of it, and let it do a "Hot-Cool Down" for about an hour or so. If you really want to break it quickly do this, Turn it on, do the "Uber Overheat" as you described and then leave it wrapped until the next time you do the session. It should break within a week or so. And then you could always just take my advice and flick it
  13. lmao. I didnt even put towels on it, and i touched it with my hand lightly and it got red rings
  14. So i just called and im sending it in for free . But i dont have the three red rings yet, it just freezes for now. Any way to well....Get the red rings?
  15. Yeah about a year and a half or so. Why?
  16. So my xbox keeps freezing after 5 minutes of play, and its really hot when it freezes, so im assuming that im about to get the 3 red rings. I have no warranty but ill send it in. Any tips on what to do?
  17. Well it happens every so often, so yeah....lol
  18. I did, it didn't do anything lol.
  19. So im using firefox, and all of a sudden it randomly pops out this message Any idea whats wrong with it?
  20. Its not either of these, this just happens occasionaly but is starting to get worse, but my connection speed is good, idk. Firefox is being weird. Also, this happens while opening a single page.
  21. I have a hard time believing this.
  22. Nope, both free.
  23. So it seems everytime whenever I'm loading multiple tabs or even single ones, it always gives me a message "Address Not Found" but then right after that, i hit refresh and viola, It magically loads. Any tips on how to fix this? Also, occasionaly when using multiple tabs, my firefox randomly crashes when all the tabs are loading any suggestions?
  24. Well since Frostwire was developed off of Limewire's source code, I'd hope you'd pick up the coincidence
  25. There needs to be a filter so that people can't post HALO 3 MAP RESIGNER. It's annoying.
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