I actually really have no idea lol. I was using this thing called Modern Tool.exe to mod my save, and i would mod it, rehash, resign, transfer, but it would be a bad checksum. So I guess it was the program? So I used Modio and it worked BUT I also used the CON flag remover on the save before editing it, So...I really have no idea why it wasnt working lol. Basically a fool proof way to get a save to work is transfer it, CON flag remover it, Modio, xbox 360 hash block calculator, upload, and viola <3
So, I have modio. I have all the necessary stuff. But it always gives the bad checksum message when i try and load the save. SO, I found a program to fix the checksum of the mpdata, but it doesnt work apparently for the savegame. So, i was thinking i would run it through the CON flag remover, but can anyone tell me where the flag is located so I can make this work OR simply tell me what im doing wrong? Thanks.
I got them all legit. Deja Vu i finished at 4 in the morning, Classic i finished on my first try, and Endure i got 1,100,000+ points on Alpha Site. All in all, they were all pretty easy.
Too clarify what he is suggesting, Compress it to a .rar using KGB, than compress it to any other format, basically anything that uses a different compression method, and then repeat. I got a GB to 10 Mb =D. But if you do this, it corrupts mad easily. I made like ten copys before one extracted properly.
Honestly, if you believe in a religion, then all power to you, but it isn't your place to persuade other people to your faith. If it's not what they believe, than there is no point in forcing it upon them.