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Everything posted by mangriff32

  1. So I have a vacation coming up with a long drive, and I need pokemon to keep me entertained, but awhile back, I hacked it and I'm stuck in a glitched room and can't get out. So I NEEEED a code that would give me an escape rope in my bag, It can't be in my PC, it has to be in my bag or one of my pokemon holding it. I will love anyone that finds it for me <3
  2. Yeah I got it too, I wonder when we'll actually get to do something
  3. Yup, I can call, use data, and text just fine. However, using the normal texting app kinda is messed up, so all you have to do is download a seperate texting app and it all works fine
  4. I don't really know if I mentioned this or not, but this is not a overwrite of the Windows OS. It allows you to boot into Android after booting into Windows, but the next time you restart your phone, you will be in Windows, and to go back to it, you just run "Haret.exe".
  5. I have it on my HTC Pure and it works pretty much flawlessly, it doesn't drain the battery, and all of the apps work and download just fine I have to admit though, it can be a bit sluggish.
  6. But you gain access to the Android Marketplace, and the Apps on the Android Marketplace are far superior to those available on Windows lol
  7. http://www.htc.com/us/img/HTC_logo_tag.gifhttp://www.shoutpedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/wm-android.jpg Very Simple Tutorial Step 1. Connect your phone to your PC with a USB cable OR you can simply just insert your SD card into your computer. Step 2. Download this archive onto your desktop. Step 3. Extract the archive into the root directory of your SD card. Step 4. Now, depending on what phone that you have, you will have to navigate to the STARTUP CONFIG folder on your SD card, go into the corresponding folder of your phone, and then copy the "STARTUP.TXT" into the root directory of the SD card. For example, I have the HTC Pure, so I navigated to the "TOPAZ" folder (Apparently it's the same thing), and then copied the "STARTUP.TXT" into the SD card's root directory. Step 5. Disconnect your phone from your computer, and now navigate to the root directory of your SD card from your phone, and open "Haret.exe". Step 6. It will load Linux and take a few minutes to load, and at one point, you have to interact and calibrate the screen. Step 7. After that, you are free to use Android! And when you restart your phone, you will be back in Windows If you want to go back to Android, just open "Haret.exe" again. <3 Here's some guy's video on the tutorial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZHSGsqsESU I can't imagine anyone having any questions, but if you do, please feel free to ask! I typed this tutorial, but I had nothing to do to the software.
  8. That was perfect, thank you
  9. Alright so I'm doing this girl's online class for $100 and there's a lab that needs to be done. It involves growing yeast with coke, fruit juice, sugar water, and water. It's literally called growing yeast lab. I was wondering if anyone had the data for the data table, because they check the information and so I can't bullshit it, so I was wondering if anyone could find the measurements of the circumference of the balloon online somewhere? And if you can't find it anywhere online, if anyone can give me some educated bullshit numbers, I would be very appreciative
  10. I literally just downloaded and extracted lol http://hotfile.com/dl/102306174/99e7eb0/ZYA_103.exe.html
  11. I need money, and not like $20, a lot of money, as as quickly as possible. I have a job, but the wage I'm getting from the doesn't equate to what I need, so I would really appreciate solid, serious, input on methods of making money quickly. Working and effort are fine, I just need it. Much appreciation to anyone that helps
  12. Slayer's fixed it Now, one more question, is there any way to softmod the xbox without using MechAssault, James Bond, or Splinter Cell?
  13. I say we expand the forums to encompass something other than Halo modding, and let it live on.
  14. So I've been considering this for a long time, so what are your guy's opinions? I have a Elite, it's fully updated, and has a BenQ drive. I want to play these games online, so if you say yes I should, can you tell me what I have to do so that I won't get banned? I'm not very knowledgeable on flashing 360's.
  15. Not true, Something, somewhere, went terribly wrong. Somewhere could be considered a appositive describing where the something was, and thus it is unecessary, but completely correct. Remove it and you get "Something went wrong" which is a simple, complete sentence. Adding the somewhere is just adding a appositive describing where the something was
  16. Well I haven't tried lol. So where can I get Slayers or AID? And then do i just burn the .iso onto a dual layer and stick it in my xbox and pray?
  17. But the problem with that is, how do I get the modded save file onto my xbox, without the dashboard? I don't think in MechAssault you can choose a save off directly off of the memory card
  18. Alright, so back in the day, I modded Halo 2 right? Well, I did so on the original xbox. Anyways, one day (I was young and stupid), I wanted to go online with my original xbox, and so I tried to unmod it. So me being oh so smart, I just FTP'd my xbox and tried deleting well....everything, and replacing it with all unmodded files, well, I messed something up, but I really stopped caring for awhile and just forgot about it. But now, I want to fix it and sell it. So this it what happens when i turn it on. When their is no disk in the tray, it doesn't bring up a dashboard, it sits there stupidly and the ring flashes green then orangeish yellow and does nothing. But if it turn it on with a game in it, it will play the game. So I can't access the dashboard what-so-ever, but I can play original xbox games. So I was wondering, is there any way to fix this? lol
  19. Now internet ima let you finish, but IBOTMODZ WAS ONE OF THE BEST MODDING SITES OF ALL TIME
  20. Filled it out
  21. PWNED.
  22. I dont get why you would post a tutorial post-patch if the patch didn't effect the mod...
  23. Realistically? Modding has slowed down for the general public now, it is left for the few people that have dev kits or jTags and are willing to release information. Truthfully, I see no purpose in withholding information, all of this modding on these systems and game will be gone in a few years time, why not liven up the community while we still can? I don't mod much, but I do miss the old community, I too started off as a noob that sat there, trolled ibotmodz, looking for all the cool stuff I can do in Halo 2, but sadly, those days are over. To really revitalize the community, people need to simply be willing to share information, this is a modding COMMUNITY, not some elite group who keeps it all to themselves. The only thing I see that could bring back "everything" is willful sharing of knowledge, and you know, a easier way to jtag lol.
  24. To test my stupidity, I tried doing that. Didn't work lol. So i took the same save, ran it through both, and it worked. Whatever, I have a method that works...yay lol.
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