Okay get over your self, its obvious that you have no idea what your talking about, so you have no grounds to say whats possible and whats not. Its fake, now you and your little halo kiddies can fantasize about the video all you want, its fake. Play nice.
Okay, ill copy exactly what it says in the preview. Video Display Options Various improvements have been made to make it easier for you to see your game in the highest resolution possible when using an HDMI connection. (Available Now, All Regions) Display Discovery This feature allows you to override audio and/or video formats independent of the display's capability. How it Works By default the console uses the information provided by the display (via it's EDID) to determine the audio and video capabilities of the device. However, the data is often invalid or malformed, hence compatibility issues are encountered. When disabling Display Discovery, the EDID of the device is ignored, thereby, enabling the audio video settings to be overriden with the desired format regardless of display support. Who should use it? The Display Discovery feature is avalible for DVI and HDMI connections in the display settings section of System Settings in the dashboard. Please note that the Display Discovery should only be disabled if audio and/or video related compatibility issues are encountered - otherwise the output quality may be compromised. +rep?