The map resigner is fake, i have it, if you try and resign it just gives you an error message. But I did learn how to mod old maps (Disk Maps) on live. You create a forge map, and mod that, put it in your XBL container, resign it, and then the Forge Maps apply to real maps like a ppf patch, but its non-permanent.
The armor perm for recon and flaming chest is simply a hidden value, all bungie does is change the value, and then its allowed to be chosen. He found the value, he has recon.
Okay umm. Should i just switch to another dash with dualboot? (Idk what dualboot is, i just know that it will work) And if this would work would you mind giving me a link to a dash with dual boot? Also, if i switch dashboards, will i lose the Yelo Trainer i have on there?
Ok here. I can FTP. I have modded content. And now can i recover my gamertag on my MODDED xbox? Its not banned, its has been on live before, but at the time, it had no mods on it. So, is it safe to recover my gamertag on it?
Ok, i can now FTP. Thanks. But now when i try and upload a map, its gets almost finished and it fails (Im using CoreFTP) Also, if someone could explain how i could play custom games in Halo 2. (Not matchmaking, i play halo 3) And, would if i modded custom games would it get my gamertag banned? These are like major noob questions yes. lol
Well see i used to not have my router connected to the internet, and it was just used for modding, and now it is, so it gave my xbox a new IP address, and its not registering the correct one on the dashboard, so.....yea lol.
Well i have modded for quite some time, i have FTP'd my Evo-X xbox. But since im still kinda noobish at this stuff, would you mind explaining how to get all the information (Ip's) for my xbox? Thanks In the mean time, ill try a different FTP program.