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Everything posted by mangriff32

  1. Alright, do i have your gamertag? If not mines Xviper009
  2. Well. My 360 has the three red rings *tear* but when it gets back, can you just add Xviper009, ill play a game with you, and you give them to me =D lol thanks btw.
  3. Hey spartan, can you give me the mods pleeeeassee?
  4. My xbox has the three red rings, but can you explain whats on Last Resort Please =D?
  5. Where is that taken?
  6. Just get an action replay, a lot easier.
  7. Its nearly impossible lol. I just use Action Replay Gamesave.
  8. lol i love this mod
  9. Yeah, i like Firefox a lot more than IE.
  10. How did you do that?
  11. Who created this anyways?
  12. Hmm, spicey ice than a trojan, lovely community.
  13. Look on bungie.
  14. So, you tryed to play the map again, and it was just regular?
  15. Thanks
  16. umm whats a wii code?
  17. Well hardly anyone plays Wiiconnect24, so no lag.
  18. I have tryed the towl trick on tons of xbox's, never seems to work
  19. Yup, just make your own program lol.
  20. As long as you dont go into MM your fine.
  21. So, do you think i could put my gamertag on one?
  22. If this ever is possible, that would be aweesome.
  23. I attempted the towl trick since it wouldnt void my warranty. And let me say this, It doesnt work lol. At all.
  24. Well, me not wanting to risk anything, im just gunna ship it in.
  25. mangriff32

    Error 74

    Umm can someone please explain what Error 74 is? Also, my 4th ring is blinking red.
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