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us marines 479

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Everything posted by us marines 479

  1. awsome I like how the magnums are blue too
  2. Pelican on beach Drivable it will fall through the map I sugest you have it opn the bridge that falls exepept have it placed as a landing pad for the pelican A lightsabber hmm that would do more with skinnig I'm not to good with that and BR Green is easey to many peoepl but yet again I'm not firmiliure to skining
  3. He was getign very anoying and austin and random may I ahve permision to use your mod in the Video AD I will b making?
  4. ~edted~ Quote edited no need for thsi part anymore
  5. wow lol
  6. idk fish fights I'm in for it haha
  7. I like it very much
  8. thats awsome
  9. Thanks I'm puting a hlod to episode 2 if any one is intreasted untill i get new comuter on thursday and some mods to film and make it look cool
  10. Created by me (9th Battalion Leader) and my co Leader A Baglebite [youtube:3r2dvme7]3KB7wDFKUfM[/youtube:3r2dvme7]
  11. well it depends on overload if you shot every gun as finished a thousnad times then there might be a problem there but i think you should be fine
  12. no you ahve it worng I'l take screanshots and make vids for peoples mods if they don't have a cc I mod halo 2 and i dont halo 3 so i can take pictures of the whole thing on halo 2 and on halo 3 i can only take pics of what is giviin to a normal player
  13. any editor can be good just the way you know how to use it
  14. Hello Ibotmodz I know some of you out there don't have pics and videos for your mods and well I can supply both! for both halo 2 mods and halo3. now I don't mod halo3 so I wont be able to get some things in a screanshot or video I would only get it as a normal person so remember that if its a modders only map. So if you wish to have me take pics or screanshots right away let me know on XBL, Gammer tag:US Marines 479 Thank You Marines
  15. Progress: Failed Due to personal resons Hey IBotModz I ahve been having an idea to make an video Ad for IBM and am going to use footage of mods in it. I am curiouse what everyone will want to see in it, you can post chosing what you want such as a spacific mod, maps interviews anythign! jsut post Ideas. Progress: Ideas Scripting Construction Revising Completed Thanks US Marines 479
  16. that is a cool song but not a good advert for IBM
  17. my sugestions are Freewebs Invisionfree Then work with HTML and PHP some and use programs like macromedia to make real websites (I still use freewebs and invisionfree I jsut Add some things with Dreamwaver and stuff) so you an basicley do anythign if you know what to do.
  18. I would take pics for them but I don't mod halo 3 and CC isnt working to well
  19. he has armour on he shouldnt ahve to be doign that haha
  20. well if it shuts down it could be hardwhare failure and it could just be lack of RAM or to low on memoery Adn remember there are so many viruses out there protection can only protect you form viruses that have been heared of so they can stop them it may be a new virus that hit you and your virus sheald cant detect it
  21. I use pinacle studio 11 comes with a green screan 3 disc expantion pack Dazzle Divx But you need a seprate mic for recording but sound comes out great
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