Hey umm i think I have this in the right forum... ok well Can I request a Fanbar one that says US Mrines 479 could i have the marine corps camo too for a backround on it (Digital woodland kind) and have red letering Thanks ~Marines~
peach is right I left for a bit but then I came Back I was on old site Spartin047998 you can still help and all GFX etc were a masive growing comunity And you never know you might come back some day
This here is a Review of assassins creed what did you think rate from a 1 to a 5 1 being poor and five being awsome I would have to say about a 4 its like GTA mideval time
Actualy I got some achivments using cheats =p like survive 5 min on 6 star you spawn a car and ride in train tunels and it gives 6 star then ride around some untill it says achivbment unlocked
a bunch of clones is good if you ahve them for the right thing lol i could do so many thigns with that try runnning a bunch over with a worthog andf it disapeares its fun