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us marines 479

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Everything posted by us marines 479

  1. when is this goign to be avalible?
  2. still looks tight
  3. that looks like the heritic lvl Arbiter on campagine
  4. Hey umm i think I have this in the right forum... ok well Can I request a Fanbar one that says US Mrines 479 could i have the marine corps camo too for a backround on it (Digital woodland kind) and have red letering Thanks ~Marines~
  5. I guse you are right slip said he has Negative rep
  6. peach is right I left for a bit but then I came Back I was on old site Spartin047998 you can still help and all GFX etc were a masive growing comunity And you never know you might come back some day
  7. what would the real purpose of it be fill me in please becouse it dosent seam like a good award sorry
  8. Hes right unless you ahve an xbox 360 as well you can then play on another account like i did
  9. I like this idea you can get creative
  10. these pics happen randomley could be a plasma went off and the position of the camera made it look like this
  11. us marines 479


    Ulitimate Showdown of ultimate destiny A MUST WATCH EPIC VID [youtube:2sncg1j1]0xY4xqcfPGA[/youtube:2sncg1j1]
  12. I don't like Ipods they break on me lol like seriouse ther eout to get me or somethign
  13. very nice
  14. yeah overshields and radar jammers haha nice one smoki very origonal
  15. I infact like making halo 2 mods and the progrmas so I would look forward to this section too
  16. wow another one gone there like 5 alreadey
  17. I love it how you kept shooting down the trees lol
  18. This here is a Review of assassins creed what did you think rate from a 1 to a 5 1 being poor and five being awsome I would have to say about a 4 its like GTA mideval time
  19. Actualy I got some achivments using cheats =p like survive 5 min on 6 star you spawn a car and ride in train tunels and it gives 6 star then ride around some untill it says achivbment unlocked
  20. a bunch of clones is good if you ahve them for the right thing lol i could do so many thigns with that try runnning a bunch over with a worthog andf it disapeares its fun
  21. lol sounds sketchey on my computer so it sounds weird
  22. nice I never was able to do this glitch right Probley becouse I used spikes lol
  23. Gunslinger by Adveneged seven fold (A7X) I used the song In battle field episdoe one heres the llink viewtopic.php?f=71&p=25895#p25895
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