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us marines 479

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Everything posted by us marines 479

  1. Awsome I love it
  2. Wow that looks even better thanks
  3. Thanks so much
  4. Thanks thats sick
  5. name some pros about it is it easey to use?
  6. kk well dose it ever find the solution and I'l ask my dad chances r he knows
  7. its easey signup and it tells you how to use it
  8. no jsut like digital camo as a backround and red blood drip text
  9. I actualy like the way he set it up
  10. of suicide and
  11. Thanks and i hope so too
  12. Wel i had a problem where i had trouble signing into the internet thigns and i hjad to vhange internet cable
  13. cool idea like gfx will ahve a forum and you post polls in and who ever gets the most votes wins
  14. that kindof scares me
  15. nice ...
  16. Thanks I'v been trying to find these
  17. Night When Chuck
  18. I think its that your internet cable might be on its way out or you need More ram or a biger harddriver
  19. Thank you I relized I'm strating ep 2 over a bit so it's goign to change courses a little
  20. Thank you this is awsome
  21. ok thank you it more then likley be one of the first mods shown on the video
  22. do the same thign exept hold up on D pad and the controls of your spartans movment show up
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