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us marines 479

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Everything posted by us marines 479

  1. Verizon here
  2. and if you need the new maps for halo 2 google them
  3. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/28019-184.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/28019-185.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/28019-186.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/28019-187.jpg
  4. sweet that was prety smart thinking add rep
  5. it made mod of the year last year
  6. Theres a tab in the Admin Cp (I forget with one lol) it will activate a chat box that is cool i belive its general setings and it telsl you hwo to abn ppl etc it is easey to setup and it works great
  7. Dosent matter if you play wow or not i belive it takes quit a bit of ram and a little more detail My best guse is you don't have enopugh ram or it may be somethgin else but please send a reply on the following Everythign the mesage says how much memory you have how much Ram you have And I'l be able to help you out more
  8. None of your sugested Verizon internet security your best buy. It updates itself every 3 hours and takes no more then 1 min virus scans are quick and it scans spywear to automaticley and keeps you updated I have it and never have a virus problem it also if your donwloadign somethign lets you know if theres a virus
  9. Takes me hours to get the active camo/over shields in there so the look like decortations i know where your coming from
  10. Flaming helmate (looks like an Eod Body varient exept no black thigns on side) Imprese bungie or work for them Varient called = Bungie
  11. Dam it i wish my capture card worked
  12. Read other mesages before you post i said right above yours you don't need 50 rep
  13. That looks realy awsome frst oen and bungie fav
  14. I still think choper would win becouser it misle shots would nock it off course
  15. from what I understand it is but you will get rep for a certain amount of posts, time spent on the forum and other things not including other members giving it to you.... No peach said last night on Cbaox it isnt
  16. Capture card sucks wont work
  17. where do i download it is it in the link you recentley posted
  18. well I'm s*** out of luck i only have one cd rest are gone
  19. oh ok jsut that on my clan website its a forum im use to that and there wasnt anythgin abotu oen word posting so yeah sorry jsut still trying to get use to ibm again
  20. sorry kind of woke up 5 min ago kind of dazed still and don't know whats going on much
  21. it looks like i might have it but i dont know witch one to click i dont see a right libnk ofr m caoture card
  22. cool if you need help on that let em know i can get some ideas
  23. every one that makes videos usuealy only ahve 1 person films directs and edits so it wont take time 5 min for a mod capture i usuealy do it if my CC wasnt being gay
  24. NEW! XBP a cousin to the psp (Xbox portable)
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