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Everything posted by PREPPY DIABLO

  1. Yay i call DSS
  2. G.F.D.E.W.W.S.F.T.S-A. get funny drugs eventually while we sexually feel the sub-admins.
  3. yay i <3 love you!!!!! you be my boi. yes rly. But really CONGRATS MAN!!!!!!!!
  4. yes :rly:
  5. Ok for your first but i would like to see you code all by yourself
  6. Spam + Random = Spamdom!
  7. Joined: June 10, 08 Other Aliases: Jimmyg1995 (for a backup account just incase of hackers) Posts: 315 (316 after this 1) Were you on OLD IBM (The blue skin former one?): I think. Do you want VIP for the content, or to contribute to a smaller private area?: Content (don't know how to help or get stuff to post) Knowing that there is leaked content in there, do you support leaked content or frown upon it?: i couldn't car less
  8. ^^not me^^
  9. test reply
  10. that is spanish for penis!!!! YAY!!!!!
  11. IBM is > B.Net
  12. IBM is my anti-drug
  13. ^dedication^
  14. well my roflcopter loled while i lol when i was ridding my loller coaster wearing lollerskates
  15. i lol and lmaoed
  16. can barely read text
  17. ibm is inot fail! >
  18. IBM = the fail of the year... JK JK. IBM is the 1337357 site on teh interwebs
  19. ^one word post^ who couldnt <3 IBM
  20. ^1,002^
  21. "gamerfreak1727's Mom" http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r1/Jimmyg1995/gamer.jpg
  22. so is IBM's swag
  23. i just <3 every1
  24. I <3 IBM because the community is general very nice and helpful. Also the site is owned by Peaches!!!
  25. stop flamin you flamers.
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