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Everything posted by PREPPY DIABLO

  1. When you first go outside there will be a big ball of fire in this thing above you called the sky. Don't worry you are safe though.
  2. It's like their drug! They are seriously addicted.
  3. wow FAIL
  4. Im starting: P:eople for the E:thical T:reatmeant of P:ikmin
  5. seriously?
  6. For space you could also compress stuff with winRAR.
  7. if your happy it wasnt then y did you try to find out if it was nuts anyway?
  8. good job on putting it on this site or writing it yourself and nice repost fail
  9. still looks nice thanx smokie
  10. human+dog=hog
  11. First one to post the big version of Awesome Guy Smilie wins!
  12. great idea. +imaginary rep
  13. y you so giddy
  14. here just for you slippy
  15. well i didn't think it was worthy of gfx and green is my fave color
  16. 800 by 600 please
  17. dude that is AWESOME. What 3D program did you use?
  18. thanx. by the way 2000 reply in this section
  19. pretty cool.
  20. too bad you cant do that on retail. sorry budday
  21. i like to know that to
  22. i love the CoD picture
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