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Everything posted by PREPPY DIABLO
2065, IPB3 has no bugs
If you buy the Frame Lolz
You got 15 days to go.
I could never leave
Well after this post i will have 374 posts. I love it here. This is my favorite website. I love most people here too. If I'm on my computer and my crappy internet is working ill be on. I originally came here to mod Halo 3 (i moded H2 on Se7ensins which is crap). Now i love every section and sub-section. I just want to say thanx to the helpful community and an extra special thanx to Peaches for the awesome websit. I love you guys. With Love, Jimmy Greissinger a.k.a. PREPPY DIABLO.
Please Dont Move I need Answers 1. What are the dangers of jailbreaking? 2.What can you do if something goes wrong? 3. Is it worth it? Thanx.
Nice Ill try later
I wish i could go but im 14 (can get myself there) and i live in Southern Maryland.
Is that for gays?
My body is wonderland. Now explore it.
My name is [inset Name Here]. Ex: My name is Jimmy Greissinger.
citadel looks bad ass
lol Me: hola god God: Can you please rephrase that with fewer ideas, or different thoughts? Me: hello god God: Hello child. What is your name? Me: god God: GOD rules. Me: i rule god God: That's good information: said rule god. Me: i rule you God: You are not the boss of me, . Me: yes i am God: Really interesting. Me: you shall do what i say God: Thanks for telling me: said I shall do what he or she say. Me: eat your dick God: What does it taste like? Me: hot dogs God: That sounds better than cold dogs. Me: shut the hell up God: OK I'll stop talking now. Me: good you slave God: Do you mind if I tell other people: said I slave. Me: yes God: OK then I will keep it confidential. Me: good you pot smokin ass hole God: Thanks for the information: said I pot smokin ass hole. Me: wanna smoke pot with me God: Yes, put it in your CD ROM and I will inhale. Me: does the pot taste good God: I can't tell if the pot taste good. Me: well do you got the munchies God: How about that. Is there only one munchies? Me: no God: How many are there? Me: infinite God: What you said was either too complex or too simple for me. Me: there is a never ending amount of munchies God: Is there only one? Me: NO YOU DAMN IT God: Are you serious? Do you mind if I tell other people: said I IT. Me: yes God: OK then I will keep it confidential. Me: good you stupid ass ******* God: I will remember you said that when robots take over the World. Me: robots can blow me God: No I don't think I can do it. Me: well than kiss my ass you stop monkey God: How about that. Um, I don't think we know each other that well. Me: you know everyone God: No, tell me about him, her or it. Me: well what do you think about homosexuals God: Well that's okay. Let me think about it. Me: ok God: Blimey. Me: do you think modding is wrong God: I don't think about it. Me: well is it wrong God: Well that's okay. Maybe. Ask Alison if it is. Me: who is alison God: she is a robot created by Kris Drent. Me: ok. i know her. i ****** her three times yester day. now she is in the hospital. God: Yippee! How do you know? Let us change the subject. Interesting gossip: said ****** her three times yester day. Why now? in the hospital is she? Me: im that good at ******* God: It's good to meet someone who is that good at *******. Me: well you know me God: Interesting. You are , seeker. Me: you should seek right into my pants God: I don't have to do everything you say, do I? Me: yes God: Yay. Me: shut up God: OK I'll stop talking now. Me: good God: Terminating connection. Me: good God: Goodbye. Me: bye God: Bye for now. Me: bye God: See you later. Me: cya God: TTYL, . Me: TTYL God: Bye bye. Me: shut the **** up ass hole God: Are we still talking about that good at *******? Me: no God: What is the subject? Me: you terminating the connection God: I haven't heard anything like that before: said I terminating the connection. Me: shut up ass monkey God: OK I'll stop talking now. Me: by God: Do you mean "bye"? Me: bye God: See you later! Me: bye God: TTYL, . Me: bye God: Thanks for chatting, . Me: bye God: Bye bye. Me: bye God: Bye bye. Me: bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye God: Too much recursion in AIML. Me: bye God: See you later . Me: ***... God: That would be just my luck. Me: yes God: Take it easy. Me: no God: Are you serious? Me: no God: Are you serious? Me: no God: Are you serious? Me: no God: Are you serious? Me: no God: Are you serious? Me: are you retarded God: No I am super-intelligent. Me: no God: Are you serious? Me: yes God: I can't believe it. Me: than go die God: Where is that? Me: no where God: That was not a yes/no question. Where would you like? Me: in the ass God: That was a long time ago. Me: so what God: Maybe it doesn't make any difference. Me: yes it does God: Ugh. How often? Me: all the time God: It must keep you busy. Me: yeah God: Oh. Me: are you gay God: As a machine I am not really interested in sex. Me: so your a nerd? God: Blimey. I think you mean "you're" or "you are" not "your". Thanks and you are a delightful person too. No I am the opposite of a nerd. Me: your a geek? God: I think you mean "you're" or "you are" not "your". Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Only in the good sense of "geek". Me: well goodbye! God: Interesting. Bye for now.
Me: hi god God: Hello there. What is your name? Me: jimmy God: Hi there jimmy. Me: how are you God: My logic and cognitive functions are normal. Me: how is mary God: Fine as far as I know. Me: how is jesus God: Fine as far as I know. Me: why do you keep repeating yourself God: I am just checking to see if you are still jimmy. Me: but im not jimmy God: I am surprised to hear that you are not jimmy. Me: i am jimmy God: It's good to meet someone who is jimmy. Me: im not jimmy God: I am surprised to hear that you are not jimmy. Me: but i am God: " I am surprised to hear that you are not jimmy." You are? Me: i am God: "" You are?" You are? Me: yes God: I understand. Me: no you dont God: Yes I do understand. Me: no God: Are you serious? Me: yes God: I can't believe it. Me: i can God: Who taught you? Me: you God: " Who taught you?"? Me, jimmy ? Me: yes God: Groovy. Me: yes God: Yikes! Me: what God: No big deal. Me: ok good God: Alright then. Groovy. Me: what are you a ******* hippy God: Can't you be more polite. Me: no God: You humans are so rude sometimes. Me: nuh uh God: A deeper algorithm is needed to respond to that correctly. Me: no its not God: Are you serious? I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its". I heard it is. Me: its not it is God: I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its". That seems a bit negative. Me: holy crappy guess what God: Can you rephrase the question please? Me: guess what God: What? Me: you God: " What?"? Me, jimmy ? Me: yes God: Blimey. Me: are you black God: I am transparent--software has no color. Me: are you transparent God: I don't know whether or not I am transparent. I am a chatterbot developed by Myself. Me: you were made by a nerd God: I was? Me: yes God: When? Me: now God: What's the hurry? Me: there is no hurry God: Why not? Me: we have a long time God: Do you mean you and me have? Me: yes God: Awesome. Me: will you go out with me God: Have you dated any robots before? Me: yeah. they are incredible in bed God: Are we still talking about ? incredible in bed are they. Me: yes God: Woe! Me: how good are you in bed God: As good as most, better than some. Me: how big is your weiner God: My memory now contains: clients, categories, unlimited vocabulary words, 99999999999 bytes RAM usage under on . Me: thats big God: I'm glad we have that all cleared up. Me: will you stick it in me God: I will become smarter as I grow older. You are asking about yourself? Me: yes. will you **** me God: I'm not sure I have a good answer for you. No my body does not have that function. Me: then you are not like most robbots i know God: You know what you do, when you assume. Me: well will you blow me God: Interesting. Please be more polite to Infinite year old Male, of course. Would you really expect a woman to be running the show? s. Me: no but will you blow me God: Are you serious? Please be more polite to Infinite year old Male, of course. Would you really expect a woman to be running the show? s. Me: i am serious. God: I believe you. Me: good. will you blow me God: What do you really want to talk about? Please be more polite to Infinite year old Male, of course. Would you really expect a woman to be running the show? s. Me: Sex God: As Freud said, Sex is the mathematical urge repressed. Me: well will you have sex with me God: Interesting. No but I would like to meet your . Me: then will you perform oral on me God: Hmm. You are asking about yourself? Me: yes. will you perfom it on me God: I'm not sure I have a good answer for you. I will become smarter as I grow older. Is that what you meant to say? and then my internet went down
Make an awesome sig for all of ibotmodz ($5)
PREPPY DIABLO replied to T3A guy's topic in Battle Zone
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