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Everything posted by XxCHAOSxXv2

  1. LOL
  2. XxCHAOSxXv2


    Maybe Someone should tell him before he goes and takes up HDD space! (i vote not me)
  3. i havent seen this picture.as soon as i did i saved it
  4. Indeed but in the Exeptence Speech for winning Game of the year we saw bots in the backround so the community thought bungie was going to add AI into MP. Just like this Trailer we do not no for sure untill bungie anounces it. Dont be Decevied bye what you see!
  5. XxCHAOSxXv2


    Wrong section this is for programs only? Please visit the help section second of all google it or look on the forums simple!
  6. Actually there is 1st of all it has no pictures! If you don't believe me Scan your computer after you open it!
  7. Nice Banner but adding text or a watermark will stop people from claiming it. but i shouldn't talk i do pictures in sony vegas! Like These http://i541.photobucket.com/albums/gg370/JerzPoLaK/Halo3Montage2.jpg http://i541.photobucket.com/albums/gg370/JerzPoLaK/Halo3Montage1.jpg http://i541.photobucket.com/albums/gg370/JerzPoLaK/JerzPoLaKBanner.jpg http://i541.photobucket.com/albums/gg370/JerzPoLaK/WhataNoo.jpg Sony Vegas FTW!
  8. Thanks =]
  9. im Just throwing a Offer out there u no
  10. i dont know its mad hard but i could do it =/
  11. Yea But its to much key faming for one day =[
  12. This is CHAOS Here i Will Start Editing And Recording Videos For Free Alls i Ask Is Chill With The Responses Please Respond on The Post. iF I Say i will Edit Your Video or if you want to talk to me. ADD imwithhungyazn@aim.com<--------Msn imwithhungyazn<--------------------Aim Or Reply On the Post Everyone is Welcome to have the Videos Edited. i do not hold grudges Here is The Last one i Done http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4vxwJHgYOQ Reminder i Have Gotten 10x Better at Editing This montage was Edited a Year Ago When i Wasn't so good Hope You Chose Me to Edit Your Videos i Will only be Offering This on ibotmodz Please One At a Time =p
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