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Everything posted by XxCHAOSxXv2

  1. shes really good, she should consider going MLD = Major League Drawing well i noticed he now what?
  2. the problem is everyone is out to get them and the site will ether be taken down or be monitored like you tube,lime wire and any other major crop the distributes stuff !!!
  3. Won of the Most Respected torrent site is being sewed for all the money they are worth! Youtube Video The Pirate Bay will most likely lose this battle they started of shaky and it doesn't seems that The Pirate Bay Has to much of a chance of winning so many companies are movie studious are filing for copyright infringement if you do not no what the pirate bay is its a torrent site that produces masses of a illegal stuff such as Sony Vegas 9 Movies and other cracks for games and such once there is information on who wins this case.i will post here http://www.breakitdownblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/01/the_pirate_bay_logo.jpg Copy right is copy right i am sad to say they are going to lose! Even the Logo is being sued for being copyrighted! Most of you might no this but i am stating this to all that do not know!
  4. Dont forget to make sure you have AI maps and they work!
  5. Ough Snapp!
  6. yay! sexy time pl0x
  7. after mythic they cant do to much more with making peoples HDD overflow and disks blow up!!
  8. Thanks,How did you get this info and don't gimme the Google link lol. Midship > Heretic
  9. actually this is really old and showing the public will only result in a patch so..be careful what you post!
  10. no you don't that's crazy. Unless you use Google! lol
  11. How bout a Tourney it sounds right if you do Sign ii chikon ii & InHeRiTed up Plox Well,keep the account offline it will still work it wont matter if you don't have the persons account trust me i hated doing that but for the mythic i must Lots a Controversy between who stole it 1st and what happened,The best thing you could do is believe Epsilon because he stated it 1st on IBM but both ways it worked out horribly! Razor stole it from a scrub Epsilon Stole it from razor <- but epsilon publicized the account so i believe that's more respectable V3N0M Stole it from Epsilon How are any of you fighting the poor scrub who got his account Pl0xed The Story's are difficult and very 1 sided so unless the people want to here my by-gon speech then Pl0x i win =D
  12. XxkhaosmasterxX (4:40:40 PM): Because he has it. r4zorizclutch (4:41:02 PM): then i kept it r4zorizclutch (4:41:32 PM): i was letting epsilon borrow it the next day because when i jacked it bakc it was 1 in the mornin XxkhaosmasterxX (4:41:41 PM): Ok XxkhaosmasterxX (4:41:42 PM): So XxkhaosmasterxX (4:41:50 PM): Epsilon then jacked the account from you? r4zorizclutch (4:42:03 PM): epsilon was kool with me having the account as long as he could use it everyday which was our plan r4zorizclutch (4:42:18 PM): then the eazy b took advantage of me when i let him borrow it. But what if that is not true. I know you believe him but everyone could make things up. whats the evidence here ? Honestly the whole things stupid i am still going to SPG it march 3rd? i think you would agree with that.
  13. you guys are lucky i have to wait until it comes out march 3rd. But i wont be buying it i will be getting it from some really nice person
  14. http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n289/heelmptflip/clanresultsIOP.jpg Just Making a Point that i am good!! http://card.mygamercard.net/nxe/InHeRiTed.png
  15. Yea,Thats Pretty Dumb! But do you know who could have taken it, and you should Ddos the jerk who did its sad enough that it was over maps and he ruined it for other people!!!
  16. that guy? who are you refering to? be more open minded with your responses! + People dont need to buy mythic it would be a waist if you could manage to get it free and early,its a good way to support bungie.Ya dig!!
  17. XBOX LIVE: InHeRiTed
  18. He is a Newbie he thinks that its possible to get from 20 something to 50 with proably over 100 ExP is Impossible Example: I Have a 49 Brigadear <-(Second Accont) i decide lets get a 50 it took over 50 games of doubles winning unless you want to buy a account just give up. I will sell you won but you better hurry up its going fast!! if you dont buy it someone will trade mythic for a 50!
  19. is there any way to extract the map of a Transfer device
  20. Plus if you were to mod the beta how would you go about unlocking custom games to play on unless you can develop it some how?
  21. T3A_GUY and T3ABAGG3R117 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV He is nice for posting mods showing us what you can and cannot do so (if) a cistom kernal ever did come out then we would no what we were doing.As advances come up no tutorials will be released do to the fact theres a lack of demo/dev owners. but persay a kernal did come out then they could help the community advance. Step by Step guys dont hate on people becuase you are jelous so please shut up! http://card.mygamercard.net/nxe/InHeRiTed.png
  22. I Will tell you right now ExP Means nothing its just the biggest waist of life/space and time further more they Proably cheated for there upper Ranks besides the forty! hes to Legit
  23. Yea youtube has been super Homo Lately Especially when most computer cant Handle thw HD setting as for the copyright claims,Yea i hate them but apparently there are ways to get around it. How to get past Music Copyright!!! its stupid but it works you know!
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