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Everything posted by XxCHAOSxXv2

  1. Ok this thread is for people that have XBconnect/Xlink Kia or Xbox live if you do post it below and ill put your XBC/KIA/LIVE tag on the list. XBconnect Tags inHeRiTeD | iBotmodz Username: XxCHAOSxXv2 | iBotPeaches | iBotmodz Username: iBotPeaches | slcdragons105 | iBotmodz Username: REDSTAR 105 | Xlink Kia Tags iBotPeaches | iBotmodz Username: iBotPeaches | slcdragons105 | iBotmodz Username: REDSTAR 105 | Xbox Live Gamertags inHeRiTeD v2 | iBotmodz Username: XxCHAOSxXv2 | Bio Toxic Peach | iBotmodz Username: iBotPeaches | DatsiK deadmau5 | iBotmodz Username: REDSTAR 105 |
  2. add me on xbconnect inHeRiTeD :]
  3. I feels as IBM died with Halo 2 which is a shame alot of you were great H2 modders and people still play halo 2 soooo sadface :[
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. XxCHAOSxXv2


      anh anniversary is going to be a fail like reach
    3. Randomrocket


      lies. Its the exact same as Halo CE except better graphics. that means just as easy to mod and just as fun :)
    4. gruntmods


      Anniversary is actually the CE game engine with the reach engine for graphics. It will have 4 player Live co-op, and generally be kickass. The multiplayer will run on the reach engine, and be just as kickass with firefight, theatre and forge.
  4. nice mod did you fix the spawns?
  5. just the thought of that is disgusting, here's a thought everyday you ingest harmful chemical because harmful chemicals are everywhere now imagine not being able to get those chemicals out of your body and even ingesting someone else's you don't know whats in there waste (0.o)
  6. how you doin 0.o
  7. Yea because i saw heathen711's maps,he made it so you can jump through the windows on beaver creek and also jump through ivory tower floor. i'm just curious cause i've never seen it before :>
  8. XxCHAOSxXv2


    So i need some help figuring out how to get rid of the glass on lockout i'm back to halo 2 modding and i'm really curious if possible can someone make me a map or just simply tell me how to do it much appreciated <:
  9. So it's OK now that you asked him. I had modified my gamer tag with the 1st tutorial that was made and apparently it's bad that it get's leaked even though 100+ plus people new how to do it. So this tutorial if not anything is old. You admins really need to calm down about the respect issues. honestly i barley come here becuase the post are deleted out of respect of some random. Well since i am probably going to get banned for the op/admin is having a bad day or pms'ing about the fact ibotmodz is going down the drain sorry peaches . Anyways it's of s7 with me
  10. lol hey i am giving it a try lawlz
  11. Can i get some people to tag these screen shots! as "mythic recon" EDIT: IF you cannot see the pictures click were the picture would be to see it. Thank you!
  12. XxCHAOSxXv2


    i clicked each of them, <3
  13. Happy Birthday!
  14. it worked in everything then this got public and got ruined for everyone but it will work in customs they don't patch customs only that one spot on construct!
  15. Alright,have fun modding on vista! Can a mod please close this topic!
  16. you need Xplorer360 Extreme 2 or if you are running Vista you need to right click and run as admin Xplorer360 Extreme 2
  17. 1st of all domino's pizza in my local area on now the CEO for the new jersey area if you new what my 49 was in you would drop your pants so. . you should shut your mouth you probably stole your 50 like the mythic maps Nerd! Thanks Korrupt i will probably use this thank you for putting in effort into it rather then generating of off cooltext.com lol
  18. - MLG logo - Team Sig "SP" - Resources like a shield city master chief or just think of one i cant possibly be that picky!
  19. WOW,you made this fast but can you add a background to the gfx and i need a "logo" with the name like Trigger Downs TD Logo like that!
  20. Can Someone make me a Team Logo? my team name is "Slayer Pro" We will be in the circuit,if someone could make me a sick team logo please do! something like Str8 Rippons. Please Spend some time on this because i would like to use this on shirts and such so...thank you! The initials are SP you can only imagine why! lol The Size Could be something around 300x200 personally that dosen't matter to me so make it your own size just not huge! Thank you!
  21. http://www.bungie.net/Stats/GameStatsHalo3...layer=inHeRiTeD i carried someone in team doubles for about 9:04 my best spree was 12
  22. Thanks,The 2v2 is for game battles i was trying to do something creative so since out clan is the fattiest people ever the first thing the poped in my head was pumpkin lol Yea lighting was bad i mostly like the first better anyway!
  23. well, i don't use photo shop as you can tell or gimp for that matter i use Sony Vegas 9 to make these Sigs . Please use constructive criticism but remember the program i did it in. Photo shop is just to hard for me to learn in 2nd so tell me how i did. No i am not Fat i weigh 120lb http://i40.tinypic.com/14nlrg7.jpg http://i42.tinypic.com/2nivd6r.jpg
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