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Everything posted by SmokiestGrunl

  1. It looks great, I would of loved to see what it would of looked like if photoshop didn't stuff up.
  2. Very nice it look great. I love the fire. I don't think anything needs to be changed.
  3. Try using Exit(); instead of close. And here is the code you want for the message box MessageBox.Show ("Made by Random1225!", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk);
  4. What are you talking about it is skinned...
  5. Its shown here http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=5HptMIgQN_k at 13 seconds, its called "Debug Loader" or what ever. I want to know where I can get it. I would also like to know what the program under it is? Also what does halo cache edit do?
  6. Overall, you scored as follows: 41% scored higher (more nerdy), 2% scored the same, and 57% scored lower (less nerdy). What does this mean? Your nerdiness is: Somewhat nerdy. I mean face it, you are nerdier than about half the test takers.
  7. Alright I'll start getting all that stuff know.
  8. I recently got my 5th xbox 1 and I have a really simple question..... What should every modded xbox have? Things I already got: Modded dash Games on my HDD Yelo Xored Trainer Launcher Music & videos
  9. Shaping is when I download 25gb my internet is slowed to dial-up speed. And Australian ISPs are s*** and only like 2 ISPs offer unlimited usage. Both of which I know nothing about and are 'underground', hopefully I'll be trying one of them soon (GolenIT).
  10. I've gone into shaping so I wont be on for about 10 days. I'm trying to get my mum to go to an unlimited usage ISP, does anyone know anything about GoldenIT?
  11. Tutorial here http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=3130.
  12. SmokiestGrunl

    XBL accounts

    Remind me to add you guys when I get unbanned.
  14. moved.
  15. dl fixed its the serenity that I use
  16. Yeah I wanted to see what people have open all at once.
  17. I second that question.... Anyway nice desktops guys.
  18. The download for yelo.etm is at the bottom of this post http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=32 You don't need to put config_v1.5.txt on your xbox but config_v1.5.inc is needed.
  19. Because on the side bar it has a bandwidth meter for internode. So I'm guessing its not your picture. Edit: That picture was taken by an Australian woot!
  20. never seen it, whats it about?
  21. Link fixed
  22. Here are the pictures, they are both done in paint. SmokiestGrunl's M0derator
  23. Yeah I did, it took me forever.
  24. I don't know what it has to do with H3 but its cool. It makes me hallucinate.
  25. Love it. Who is that person?
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