I'm going to miss your tutorials. I though you were going to leave when you said you were done. I also know how many bots you have/had and I'm no longer part of the zombie team .
Yes, unless they have the same map they wont be able to connect. They will only be able to connect to maps with simple projectile, skinned and maps that don't have anything from another map.
Yesterday at school two of my friends were having an argument. The argument was about how could something fake create something real, this came about because one of them said that he was real, but his parents are fake. Friend one: "How can something real create something fake?" Me: "Its Kinda like God!" Me: Owned, Raped! Note: I wasn't even in the argument, I just took the chance to say that, because their both big on religion.
Yes its finally here, although I already know how to mod screen shots. I'm still having trouble with number 1 (angry face). I think I got 1 (maybe 2) CD/DVD drive to break before I have to give up. Anyway another nice tutorial, keep it up.