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Everything posted by SmokiestGrunl

  1. I have known of this for a while but I have never known how the hell it works.... http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/mind Edit: never mind I know how it works now. The symbols change each time.
  2. I'll try make something. No promises it will be good or anything. Here: Rainbow six part is somebody else, the rest is mine.
  3. Oh god, it looks worse than Halo 3 in my opinion. That's just hope its not...
  4. Nice, you git the Guilty Spark too lol.
  5. Just edit your post and your title will be there. Title: Want an animated signature? Description: Post your request here!
  6. You may want to change the title? It makes this topic seem like spam therefore people probably aren't going to read your post.
  7. Don't enter your stuff lol. Its a Phishing program.
  8. If someone does buy this and they get scammed tell me.
  9. New vehicles and that one new monster that was shown looks cool. I like what they have done with Dom too.
  10. Nice post.
  11. Is there a way i can make a quick 10 on the Internets?
  12. No more xbox live mem cards?
  13. Yeah I guess
  14. I don't think you need to, if you want to make one then make it . By the way when are we doing the xbox live things?
  15. 1274 downloads

    Trampoline I Original Map: Containment Map Information: Entire map is made of gravity lifts. Two modded weapons. Arbiter Added System Linkable Pictures:
  16. I need 10$ for my paypal account. Paypal isn't accepting any of my information so if someone could give $10 to my paypal it would be great. Account: drnrss@gmail.com
  17. Message to members: A lot of links, attachments and pictures have gone missing. If you would like them back please request here or in the topic itself.
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