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Everything posted by Dan

  1. Oh, wow it is lol! i never noticed that before
  2. On covies you can just park the wraith there and jump off it, or jump off a friends head
  3. Put me on the list Pl0x? GT: xBMWxDan P.S. im online pretty much all the time Add me? Thanks
  4. Erm, Mfone... played on it, great map shame you cant fly the hornets, random blue birds (BTW- NOT LEAKING)
  5. Theres only a handful of people with Con resigners, but theres probably 100's with the modding tools, if bungie ban the few, the resigner will be released causing hundreds of new modders, not just modding for fun.
  6. Is that the real ranking system? if it is im scared
  7. i've played this map, its quite fun, athough only the connection host can see the water, the random door platforms are cool lol.
  8. I wouldnt say add a feature etc, i would say take something away. NEEDLERS! i hate them.
  9. Just got my 36 last night also turned a commander last night 900 EXP 36 team slayer 30 team doubles
  10. Yeah, i've done this loads of times in matchmaking lol, you cant accualy drive the vehicle but it is funny watching the other team staring at you
  11. I think i'll try this, i've been out of every campaign map, but not this way
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